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Boy is this going to be an experience



Well we've gone and done it, we're moving again, on August 15 th.

The first move was just after my stroke, and we'd just sold the house and I was still in the hospital. Kath with the help of her sister found this place we're in now, alittle pricy but hey where were we to live? Now we have a large 2 bedroom in our old stomping grounds for alot less each month.


The new one is beautiful, big bedrooms, nice hardwood, and the view, and we're only on the sixth floor. I hate being up high especally when there's a fire alarm and you have to vacate down the stairs.


Well there's my news flash for tonight.


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Good luck in the move. My daughter and I are planning a move also for July, if all works out. I had owned a 2-story townhouse pre and had to sell it. We've been renters since. Unfortunately, rent is pricey here, plus no close family nearby (they're 2,400 miles away) in the city I was born and raised in. I wish you two the best.

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