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Rehab Revisited



Remember the rehab I went to in December? After 5 months I finally had my follow up yesterday. As I progressed frustratingly I was discharged and have had no speech therapy or NHS physio since. Was a panel of doctor, wheelchair woman, physio and a nurse on the ward. The doctor declared I was managing fine, did arrange speech therapy though and I see them for another waste of time in 6 months. The NHS is content for me to stay as I am. I'm not! Would any of them be happy to stay needing help even to the toilet when being independent is a realisable dream? I think not. Ross sensed I wasn't happy with the meeting, I don't think my silence at the time made any difference to the outcome though. Our NHS is great but it is grossly unfair how some people get regular free physio while I would get none if I didn't pay for it.

I'll keep seeing my private physio, I'm getting there slowly. Had a good session this week. Normally I feel I'm falling backwards, my physio says it is where my trunk is so weak. Well this week I didn't feel I fell back, felt totally balanced. Worked myself hard, we're now working on building up my stamina. I'm doing exercises to strengthen my trunk, seems they are working. I built them into the set I do 4 times daily with speech exercises.

I admit to a few days of feeling fed up, doesn't everyone get off days? Yesterday made me fired up though, more determined to be successful. I had a long honest think after and I can really see improvement and hope, I'm not being silly. One day I'll show them!


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sorry for your trobles with NHC, work hard on yur physio, there will be huge difference in your quality of life with all small improvents added up together.




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My physical abilities (arm/leg) seem to be worse and I can't figure out what the cause may be. So, I think I know how you must feel with them not seeming to want to help you as much as they could.


I can sense how much you want out of that chair as I did after 4 months in the therapy hospital only to come home and still could not walk. I'm praying for your recovery and more independence.

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This is Di's Hubby (Ross). Diane passed away last night after choking on some food. I was unable to clear her airway or revive her. She is now at peace after almost 2.5 years of constant struggling to improve against huge odds.



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My God, this is tragic news, I just commented to her blog post today not knowing of the incident last night.


Thank you mr Ross for informing us of her untimely death last night. We will miss her and I send my condolences. If there is anything stroke net can do please let us know.

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Ross we are so sorry to hear this tragic news. Diane will be missed here. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.


Diane was an inspiration to many.. yes she was working hard ....


(((((((((HUGS)))))))) to you, and Thank you so much for letting us know.

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My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family ..What a shock.. Thanks for letting us know ..We will miss her...

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My deepest sympathy and condolences for your family, Diane was huge inspiration& great survivor on this site. she will be truely missed, she had such a great sense of humor and great love for her boys and you, oh man Ross I need a hug.


Thank you so much for updating us and being great husband.




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Guest lwisman




Condolences to you and your family. Diane had a great positive attitude. She will be missed.

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My sympathy to you, Ross and your family. My heart goes out to you. Diane was an inspiration and she welcomed me with open arms to Strokenet and made me feel good. Her postings were always sweet and sincere. We will all miss her very much. She is at peace and Always in our Hearts. God Bless You

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Ross, I just read this. I have been off the air due to computer troubles. I am so deeply sorry. Diane will be missed on this site, she has a special place here. We have all been so impressed with her fighting spirit. Despite the severity of her stroke she really reached out and touched people's hearts. She was so determined to recover and she always tried so hard, what a personality too.


I always felt Diane and I had some things in common as I was born near Croydon, actually in Red Hill Hospital if that is still standing. So we talked about England from time to time.


Deepest condolences to you and your family and friends.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I also want to offer my condolences. I'm the Friday night chat host, and she would stop in occasionally and 'offer' great advise. As others have said, she WAS an inspiration and Diane WILL BE surely missed.




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Dear Ross,


I'd like to add my condolences to those of others here. Diane has been a source of strength, support and determination to those of us here. Her comments and responses have always been so real and honest. I think she was much harder on herself than any of her family or friends. As you said, she is finally at peace - and whole again.


You will be remembered in our prayers now and in the future.




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I didn't know Diane very well, but I was always impressed by her never give up attitude, she will be missed .. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.




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Diane and Ross,


Ross, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Diane, you will truly be missed. I will pray for you and your sons.

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I just read about Diane's passing and, like the others, I want to offer my deepest sympathies to you and your family. I know that at this time there is little anyone can day to make it easier for you. Just know that she was loved here and will be remembered. God Bless you and the family!


You are in my prayers,

Betty Jean



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The small frustrations we all go thru each day now seem very small and insignificant indeed. I have some idea how you feel, I lost my first wife of 28 years six years ago. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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I am so sorry to read of Diane's passing. Please accept my sincere condolences. She was an inspiration to all of us. I marvelled at her strength and tenacity. You and your family are in my prayers.



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Dear Ross and Family; I just found out about Diane, I know that nothing I can say would ease your pain at this time, but I want you to know that Diane was an inspiration to me... she showed me how to try harder than I would have done any other way! Steve H.

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