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doctor appointments



First I would like to thank everyone for everything. I really do appreciate you all being here for me when no one else is. Today I went to the doctor then I had to go to the orthotics proshetics doctor to get sized for a new leg brace. Today was kind of disappointing because my doctor told me I will never be able to drive and it seems like appealing to the board in Raleigh would just be a waste of time. My peripheral vision will never get better and even though I have been seizure free for longer than a year now, the doctors keep telling me that I have epilepsy. Then when I went to the leg brace doctor, I was hoping I could get a smaller brace but he is actually going to make me one that goes higher up my leg and covers more. I enjoyed the time being out of the house but it makes me feel bad that after 6 years, I am still being driven around to different doctors because of the stupid stroke. I really wish I had a better doctor. I have to go to my doctor with my ideas when he should be researching things for me. I get so tired of riding in the car knowing that I will always be in the passenger seat. Right now Im laying down and my wrist is hurting because it is bent but each time I try to straighten it, it wont stay so I kind of lay my head on it to keep it down then my fingers grab my hair and I can't move. I guess some things never change. I want to get back in physcal therapy. I will not find out if I qualify for disability benefits until next month and I wont be driving or working anytime soon so I really want to do therapy with all of my freetime before college. The only problem is I dont really live in the city so I would need a ride everyday to the rehabiltation center I used to go to on the other side of town.

Well I guess there is a lighter side. I got a little more than $400 for graduation so I guess I have time to do some shopping this summer...if I can get a ride.


P.S I am done with senior week and doctor appointments for now so I will try to be more active on the site and probably blog more

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Katrina, nothing is forever; changes do come about. There are different opinions. You may find a Dr. who will see things differently. No, maybe not in 6 months but at some point. Just NEVER give up hope. To look at the positive side with hope is the answer,


Another thing. I am a Reiki practioner. It doesn't matter that I'm telling you this but it will explain why I am doing that. I heard at a session that the fact that we do Reiki is so that we can help ourselves, because no one else is going to help us. In other words, if you want something, you are going to have to do it yourself. If it means research on your part with the DMV, you are going to have to contact them and never mind what the Dr. says. He will not sign for you but in time, you may find someone who will.


It's that way with everything but in the ens you will get results or you will be satisfied that everything that needed to be done was done.


With new inventions etc. cars may come about that you will be able to drive. They have the knob to help people who drive one handed and hand controls. Have you looked into golf carts? I don't think you need a license for those but you can not drive all over in them. Would you be able to control one of those? Would one be permitted on campus? It may be able to get you to places - not all- but some.


Start doing your research.


Oh and about your hand. Would a weight bracelet help? They come in very attractive jersey and are filled with weights and you put them on like a bangle bracelet - kind of a funky fat bright bracelet. They kind of stretch to get them on and then fit securely. I have a pr. (they come in pairs) that are royal blue. I've seen pink and yellow. Ask an OT about them. It's wearing something helpful which isn't medical looking. You do have to know the weight that would hrlp you - and they do not have to be used always- just when your hand is "acting up" perhaps. I used mine when I wanted to learn to hold a plate and not drop it at a buffet. Needed my good hand to pile on the food. LOL!


And lastly, enjoy spending your graduation money. Hope you can get something that will give you joy. Perhaps a piece of jewelry that you will always have to remind you of the occasion.

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