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We're Still Here



Took a "computer vacation" I guess. Maybe just lazy. Sam and I have been busy for the last couple months. We took off for a week, loaded up the truck and went camping. No particular place, just packed up and drove. Had the dogs, tent, sleeping bag, cooler and picnic basket, and went for a ride. Had a ball and saw parts of Oklahoma we haven't seen before. Stayed a night at Broken Bow Lake. Nobody else there, and it was so quiet I thought there was something wrong with my ears. Silence. No noise. No traffic. No radio. No TV. No people. Was I in heaven? The other nights were good, but nothing like that!


Came back home and did our usual routine. Worked around the house, went fishing when I was done. Sam got noticed around there. We went out to the dock for some crappie fishing and she got 4 really good ones(15") and a bunch of decent fish(10-12") over a 3 day period. I was at the bait shop and the guy in the store in front of me was talking about "the lady in the wheelchair that was kicking butt". In the 3 days we were on the dock, she outfished everyone put together. :big_grin:


Now I'm at work. Have to go to Peru in the morning. Will be back home Sunday afternoon. Was in Dakar, Senegal 2 weeks ago. Last weekend, took a beluga whale from Chicago to Seattle. Anybody see me on CNN?


Sam is coming a long way. She has a TON of movement in her right arm. It's amazing. She's just starting to use it out of nowhere. She does her weights and other exercises, but all of a sudden she just started using it to do "normal stuff". Reaching, holding, etc. It's great to see it, and it is so unexpected. Right out of the blue! We're gettin' there!




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great to see your update I was wondering about you, maybe you should go in fishing business with Sam, lady has some blessings in catching thise fishes. happy for her arm recovery, It is inspiring me to do more for my hand and arm.




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Good to see your update.. Glad Sam is doing well and YEAH on the fishing.. :)


The camping aounds great. We are on 5 acres and it is usually pretty quiet here. They are building a house a couple of lots over, so banging and hammering going on... the dogs are getting used to it now.. lol


Wow was that the baby beluga that came to Seattle, I did see it on the news ( I live north of Seattle ) so it is a BIG deal here..

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