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Plan B coming together - kinda



My last entry discussed Plan B - the actual getting to our destination - 2,400 miles from here. My Brother called yesterday (Sat) and we discussed the travel arrangements. I was put on a mission (he's so good at delegating) to check with airlines on prices. Well, I had a volunteer who offered to check the prices. We then emailed Bro and are awaiting his response. Driving is not feasible especially as he suffers from critter allergies. One drawback is that Tinkerbell cannot relocate with us. Crystal can, but not Tink. Crystal will be considered carry-on and her carrrier will go under one of our seats.


Today, we put an ad on Craigslist for Tinkerbell :crying: .


As to our belongings...they will be shipped so we are now faced with downsizing immensely. We're compiling a list which we will email to Brother and other family letting them know what we'll be needing. Will be listing apartment moving sale on Craigslist also.


The next several weeks shall be interesting in my household to say the least. Tentative date to leave AZ is July 17th via USAirways.


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Donna, Ray and I have made a few moves in our life together and I was never so glad as when we finally came back "home". We have been back 23 years so you can imagine how much we have accumulated !!


Good luck with the downsizing, repacking etc. Parting from Tinkerbell will be hard as she has been a big part of your post stroke recovery.


I just keep remembering that all you get at the end of your life, when you are in the nursing home, is a bed and a chair and the photos on the wall! So I am enjoying what I have now but not planning to keep it all "forever".


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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the weeks ahead are going to be real mixed, looking forward for new chapter in life and closing the one you led for past few years, I pray & wish you well for your next journey in the east coast. remember wherever you go, you still have your kristi & ur critters for you. nd now additional family members who will be ready to help out. your brother sounds like real Gem.





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donna, i'm glad things are coming together for your move, sorry about parting with the cat, i know how hard that is, but i am sure she will go to a good home. being closer to family will be a big help for you and kiddo. a new adventure all the way around. just don't stress out to much over the move, it will all be ok.

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I wish you both much happiness in your new digs. i understand how hard having to leave one of your pets behind when you move. my prayers will continue for you both to abide in god's hand. as much as this is painful in the long run this will turn into a good thing. and yes you are blessed to have a brother to care so much for you. almost makes up for the way your mother is. tell kiddo we will be praying for :rolleyes: her also.

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