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senior thoughts



Since I turned 60 I have suddenly become a "senior". Now I don't qualify for the old aged pension until I am 64 so technically I am still "working age" but twice in the last week I have asked if I needed to show my pension pass to receive the answer: "No, you're right love." so I presume I am showing my age! Not the young gal I used to be.


But I guess there is a plus side to that too. I re-registered the car today. Here we get an inspection paper, called a "pink slip", a third party insurance , called a "green slip" and then proceed to the Motor Transport Registry to get the registration stamped ec. At each step of the way I had to wait at least half an hour and at each step got into conversation with an interesting person. At my age no-one is shy with me. One little girl came bouncing up and sat beside me and produced a doll and was talking away when her mother came up to me and asked who I was. I was a little surprised and told her my name. She said: "You must be a special person as my daughter usually takes an hour or two to talk to somebody she doesn't know and here she is chatting away to you as if she has known you all her life." I must have had that Granma look on my face.


At the next stop it was a young mum who told me about her pregnancy and at the next a woman who told me what a struggle her husband is having with his business. I guess my point here is that it is not necessary to be lonely as you get older. There are so many people just wanting to have a little chat, to find a listening ear, from the youngest to the oldest my companions today just looked at me and saw a nice comfortable person to talk to. No-one special, just another member of the human race.


I wonder now about who I am at this time in my life and where I am heading. Difficult to make plans with Ray the way he is and as our retirement happened eight years ago it is a bit late to plan that. Of course winter is a time when you do ponder the big events in life so I suppose that is what I am doing right now, and when our summer comes again I will spend the time pursuing the simple life and weed the garden and not worry too much with the abstract thoughts.


Had an email from a friend today saying he had received an award from his works and "didn't recognise himself" from what was written on the citation. That can be a nice part of your senior years too, recognition for what you have done as your 25th etc anniversaries as an employee come up. Wonder what sort of citation caregivers get?


Tomorrow the family come. I am really looking forward to that. Time to play with the grandkids. The weather forecast is horrible so we can set up Granma's video world and get out all the old favourites. The kids probably will play with all the old toys. And the Dads and Uncle Trev with the Lego and Granma and Mum hopefully will have time for a heart to heart. I need to talk to her about family matters.


I learned on Friday that mum is going blind, macular degeneration, at her age, nearly 89, that is understandable but with the Alzheimers that will make it worse. If she goes from the Lodge to the nursing home she will be really lost. And I may have to go each day and feed her her lunch. I don't know how that will work out, but if that is what is needed then I will do it. That is what a dutiful daughter does. All the others out there live it up having lunch in restuarants like my sister did today, so she just told me on Messenger. I could tell today that Mum was "feeling" for her cookie rather than looking for it. It is so sad. So I must cherish the good years I have.


Ray was asking what day it was yesterday and if he had had his lunch? He has some good days, some confused days. We do as much as we are able each day, plodding along as usual. We seem to cope with each new thing too. I guess that is another thing about your senior years, you learn to cope. And sickness starts to become a normal part of everyday conversation. And your friends and their husbands are on medication. And some have a little time in hospital etc for a repair of some kind and it is not just stroke survivors like Ray who do that anymore. Mind you some of my friends still pretend to be "young" too but now I find that amusing not annoying. I am becoming more tolerant too maybe.


So remember, you've got to show me respect, I'm a senior now!


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Not only do I respect you...I admire you. Your wisdom, support, and encouragement are invaluable to me as well as many others.


As I have heard in the past, there may be snow in the mountain but there's fire in the furnace. Sue, your furnace is full steam ahead.


Sorry to hear about your Mom's decline. You will always have the memories of the "better" times in your heart.


Please give Ray a hug from me and Kristi. Good and not so good days come with the territory - another side-affect of stroke that we are left with no matter what age.

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Like Donna and as I have said in other posts, I have much respect and admiration for you Sue. I think you are an awesome individual, a strong woman and such a lady! Not to mention, loving wife, daughter, mother and grandmother. Sorry to hear of your Moms' vision. My daughter, Savannah is legally blind. Totally blind in left eye and very little vision in right eye. Her other senses make up for the vision. She feels with her hands and feet, getting input and information to her brain that way. She was born this way and must undergo yearly eye exams under anesthesia to make sure all is well with eye pressure and nothing else going on. That's another story. You are a special person and people feel comfortable around you. You have a magnetic personality! You have a blast with your family! Can't wait to hear about all the fun you had in your next blog!

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hi sue, i wanted to thankyou for coming to chat today, thinking it was stephen's day, i enjoyed getting to know you alittle, anyway. i too am so sorry to hear about your mom's health issues. you have alot on your shoulders, hopefully the family coming will brighten your day. and remember, you are 60 yrs young,not old. i am trying to improve my memory and get into the other chat hosts chat, so i hope to visit you soon. i hope you have a great visit with the family, and i pray your mom has better days ahead as well as you. stay strong and the sweet lady you are. my best wishes to you.

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I like the way donna said it. as far is what a caregiver is awarded are treasures in heaven, you will have glorious mansion in heaven. your mom and tray both have a feeling of love that makes no difference if they can say your name or remember if they ate lunch. and that is more important, I think other people feel that aura about you that you care. so can be open with you, also they feel you will not judge them so let you see more than the average bear. :)

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