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Goat in The Family Room



It's been quite a couple weeks. I don't want to repeat anytime soon. LOL My step daughter is coming from AZ on July 10th for her annual visit. John decided it would be nice to put the laminate floor in before her visist. I said let's wait until after. No lets do it now. So this meant moving a bunch of stuff out of the bedroom. It is also my craft room.. Ok stuff now piled in living room. I think it was raining the day we started. SOOO he brought the saw into the living room.


I went into the room ro check some things and move a few breakable items... I did NOT realize he had take the register vent out of the floor... Yep I stepped backwards and into it. (with my good leg) my foot slipped down into the vent (luckily I had socks and sweats on. and the metal was bent out not just cut off. I was stuck.. but as I was stepping backwards with my good leg I twisted when i fell. John heard me let out a yell.. I guess he yelled are you ok.. I didn't hear him.. and was busily trying to figure out if I was OK and trying to get my leg out of the vent. Ok.. foot out, stand up.. everything feels ok.. foot/ankel all seem to be going in the proper direction (lol) and I can stand on it.. NO pain.


Laminate flooring is not as easy to put in as it shows on TV.... :Tantrum: ok we worked on it until we pooped out. Two days later we are both so sore...


I think when I fell and twisted I bruised my tail bone.. OUCH ...


Cleaning and dusting on hold ... as the living room has saw dust.. and heaps of stuff from the bedroom.. we finished the floor on the 7th at 6:30 PM. I am not trying to get it together for her visit..


John's son is going to bring his travel trailer upfor her to stay in, in our front yard. The granddaughters will probably spend an overnight too.


So this morning, I decided to finish cleaning as much as I can get down. The sliding glass door is open the dogs can go in and out. I set up the rug shampooer.. Come out of the bathroom .... and Yetta our Nubian goat is in the middle of my Family Room... i grab one of the dog leashes .. and Mindy our Aussie decides to help me "herd" her. Yetta does NOT like to be herded by Mindy.. Well I decided since she was escaping from her fence, I would tie her out on a lead so I wouldn't have to find her in the family room or eating the apple trees all day.


I found a spot under a Big Cedar tree across the drive, lots of blackberry bushes, some grass and things for her to munch on. Got her a pan of water and set it up so she wouldn't knock it over. She has been "happy all day. as she could see me coming in and out of the house to empty carpet shampoo water and talk to her.


Well one more day to get done what I can.. and hopefully I will not have a goat in the Family room...lol


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Guest lwisman




Glad to here you are ok after the fall. It can be quite scary to fall when you are a survivor. I have had several problems like yours when someone else moved things and did not tell me. Hmmm...


The story about the goat was funny. I know you really like the goat, but I am glad I don't have one. :D


Good luck with the work on your house!

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It sounds like you had an eventful weekend. I'm glad you are okay. Your goat must be cute. We have a friend who has a cattle ranch in northwest Nebraska on the South Dakota border. A few years ago he had a herd of Elk and offered hunting privileges for people who wanted to hunt Elk in a confined area (yes, his ranch is that big). When the wasting desease was killing the deer, the government made him destroy the Elk. Now he has 500 goats to help control the weeds. I'm sure they are not Nubian! But I'll bet his wife has made pets out of some of them.



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bonnie you have been busy. glad you are ok after the fall. i know how scary those can be. the goat story was funny and at least you got her wrangled to a good spot. growing up, we had a few cows come up to the door, but none made it inside. i hope you have a great visit with your family.

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I too am glad you did not get hurt. I have a problem with "someone" wouldn't know who lol booby-trapping my cabinets in the kitchen. I open cabinets and generally get clunked in the head with a plastic mixing bowl lol. She has promised that won't happen when we move as there is more cabinet space in the new kitchen.


Aren't pets delightful in the way they get into mischief? Hope you have fun with your company.

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