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Need suggestions and remarks



To my friendly guinea pigs........sorry, but that is what I am asking you to be while giving me some advice and suggestions.


Those of you who were on chat last night know what this is about. Those who hadn't heard what it is about should get the idea from this new release.


I am putting this in a giveaway paper called Seniors and any other that puts free listings of meeting and groups. What effect would reading a notice like this have on you. Any suggestions. I hope it isn't too long for the papers, but I can't really think of any other way to describe it. I have a notice in the library also. To be honest, I'm not expecting many if any. People don't even come to the rehab related stroke support and this is why this is being formed. It would be a sort of companion group, not instead of. OK, here it is.




Strokers "R" We


A new and different group. By Stroke Survivors for All Stroke Survivors, recent or long time. Non-strokers, even caregivers have no idea how we feel or how we can deal with the new person we have become. Therapists can treat our medical problems but they have no idea how we feel emotionally.


The idea of this group is to get together as a group where there is friendship and understanding. Learn how others are coping, share what you have found and enjoy activities together, which maybe old friends can not understand - eating out, going for coffee, to "free" movies, concerts etc. that our area has to offer. Perhaps we are a little slower, perhaps our speech isn't perfect, perhaps we forget a word, here and there. Strokers understand because we have all been there.


There is a weekly gathering every Monday from 5pm to 6:45pm at the Ormond Beach library. This is late enough to have rested from therapy, or if you work, late enough to stop by on your way home. Of course, caregivers are welcome also.


For further information, contact (personal contact info edited by Donna - MBM)




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Thank you Bonnie, but this is a news release in free giveaway papers. They just have the same set-up for all.



(I'd also like to put it on Bright House, a cable company that lists clubs. if possible, but my sister changed to a dish and I don't know how to contact. She is saving $ but The Dish stinks. She has had to fight them all along and wanted to drop them, but they said she signed a year contact. She did get her programs and I get most of the things, I like, but I'll find a way to get Bright House when I move. She can't get regular TV because of her location (poor reception if at all), maybe though, I will be able to.)

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Very good, well written. Two comments to consider.


I would put the word "community" or "local" or "get together'' type of word in the first sentence before the word group. Something to describe the benefit and type of group to get them to continue to read - you have 7 seconds to grab their attention. None of the words above may be quite right but they may trigger the one you need.


I would also add a sentence like:If you know of anyone who would be interested please tell them about us. Most people do know others that would be interested but if you don't ask they may not think of it.




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Guest thegoodlife


Hello Girl:


You know already who this is from RIGHT?


I have only one real suggestion that I think would make a world of difference- use the word 'COMPANIONS'. THAT WOULD TAKE AWAY ANY THOUGHT OF IT BEING A SUPPORT GROUP. TRY TO STAY AWAY FROM ANYTHING THAT EVEN SOUNDS LIKE SUPPORT?


Did you read ladyblues ,I think that's her name blog? That would help you alot it what to to out in there.


This is just my two cents worth :laughbounce: - I did used to be a advertising/buyer and did have a little experience in this.


Your article sounds great to me :forgive_me?: :cheer: :cheer:


Thanx for your support.



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Hey Mizzzzz Phyllis.....I think what you have written already is totally groovy. But Nancy had a good idea..ladibluej's poems would be a great attention getter. She posted 2 poems in June, I believe. One is called "Jail of the Asphasiac" and "You Look Okay". :oohlala: Read them again and see what you think. You can ask her if you can use them in your ad if you like the idea. I think both poems hit a big chord with stroke survivors. I, myself did not suffer any speech or asphasia issues but I am sure many feel the way the poems describes feelings, especially the poem "You Look Okay". And the response she received from writing these poems was very good. I think they would spark an interest..but you know, it's just me..Crazy Shoirley! But I do think you have written it very well. :Typing: :Readpaper:


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hi phyllis, i think it sounds great to me and shirley had a great idea about the poems. if i got the paper i would go just to meet others like myself and the reassurance it brings that you are not alone. good job friend.

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