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Betty Jean


Well, it's been a very long time since I wrote a blog. There have been a lot of things happening around here (some good, some not so good) and I've been just too tired from riding this rollercoaster to do more than just pop in and read sometimes.


Today is Jim's birthday so I am baking him a birthday cake while I write this. The whole family went to the Outback for dinner last night and that was a real big thing. Jim doesn't like to go anywhere to eat because he is embarrassed that I need to cut his meat up or prepare his meal in some way for him. At any rate, we got him out for dinner and had a very nice time. It was good for me as well just for the change of scenery. Anyway, part of the family is coming over here today to have cake and ice cream and help celebrate Jim's birthday. I'm glad because it stimulates him and he joins in life for a while.


Since we put up the swimming pool, Jim has been getting in it nearly every day. It's a joy to see him walking around the pool or kicking his legs to go back and forth across the pool. What good rehab for him! He was very frightened at first even though I was right beside him all the time. Jim's confidence is growing and he is getting a bit more daring when he is in the pool now. The worst thing about that is that he wants to be able to get in and out by himself and I can't let him do that. There is a ladder Jim has to go up and down in order to get in or out of the pool. He is just too shaky and could fall and hurt himself quite badly if I'm not there to help him. Jim also can't be left in the pool alone because if he slipped and fell he could easily drown and I can't take that chance. I know he doesn't like to be babysat but for now I can do nothing else. In time he will be able to be left alone more but not right now.


Our son got married a week ago. I've been reflecting on that late at night after I've read something here and I'm watching him sleep. Every mother wants her child to be happy in his or her life. What I really wish for my son is the kind of love that I see here with most of the married couples. It is gentle, joyful and unconditional! I pray that Dane's new wife is his "other half". That she completes him and that their two lives will be spent bringing happiness to each other. I have become part of the lives of the people that I know here and have seen love flowing back and forth between couples like the waves in the ocean, gentle, constant and never-ending. There are celebrations of progress no matter how big or small, worries when there is a setback, laughter at some of the things the survivor or the caregiver does and tears when someone loses a family member. Underneath it all, is love and it is this kind of love that I want for my son in his marriage.


Well, I've gotten a bit off track there and the cake is done so I think I'll go try to rest for a bit.

Have a wonderful day and God Bless All of You,

Betty Jean


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hey BettyJean:


thanks for updating us, watertherapy is the best therapy they say after stroke, and I am happy Jim is doing that in his own bacyard. congratlations on your son's wedding, and I am sure his marriage will be as successful as yours, your son has seen best example of what marriage vows means from his parent'




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hey BettyJean:


thanks for updating us, watertherapy is the best therapy they say after stroke, and I am happy Jim is doing that in his own bacyard. congratlations on your son's wedding, and I am sure his marriage will be as successful as yours, your son has seen best example of what marriage vows means from his parent'




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:congrats: to Jim on both accounts, the pool fun and his birthday, can't leave you out for the cake and providing the ice cream. I'm due a birthday next Sunday, hope I have the strength to eat. Speaking of rollercoasters, I'm on a fast one, somedays up and others it's down hill.


But all said and done, I'm not giving up by any means. Sounds like Jim is getting much better.

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