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Just checking in eh...



Hi again


Just came by to check in as I noticed that I had been neglecting this site again.


I don't know if I told you all (y'all) that I have been confirmed to speak to our provincial conference on stroke on the 1st of November comming. This is the same coference that Dr. Jennings spoke at in 2005.


I am working on an outline and a power point presentation to be approved by the organizing committee.


I have also started two courses (one on Internet marketing 2.0 and one on gaining better focus in your life in the three areas of goals, wealth (not just money) and health. That should keep me busy till at least the end of August.


I can feel my body responding in a positive way with more energy. Makes me want to do more and I find that I am actually able to do a little more. (what a great feeling)


So I may appear as though I am missing in action but I will never be very far away. If you need to get in touch just IM me through Strokenet.


Oh and btw the little image seems to have disapeared on my signature. The page that it was on has gone down and I hadn't made a backup copy and stored it on my computer nor did I upload a copy to my online image file. (dummy)


Any how I guess I can leave it to see if the page comes back online. So if you see just the little square with an X in it on my signature that is why.


Talk later and hope everyone has a great summer. (mid 80,s and sunshine here in Prince Edward Island with a gentle breeze comming in off the ocean... Ideal summertime vacation weather)


I have a friend arriving tomorrow from Mexico for a short visit. (hope the weather stays nice)


Talk later....


Smiles :)




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wow you are going to be one busy guy next few months, happy for you, you are getting back in groove of life, which is goal for every one of us. I liked your courses send me PM about that wealth & health course where you are taking, I might take it too. good luck with your speech.





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Guest lwisman




It is good to hear that things are well with you. Sounds like you are busy these days. Keep dropping by when you can. It is good to hear your update. :D

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The thought of all that work being done at Harmony Lane sounds tiring but interesting. Good to hear from you since you are one of the long-timers. (See I don't say old ones; that is reserved for Stephen and myself. LOL!


Happy you are having companion from Mexico. Too bad your friend can't tell me what to eat that isn't spicy. I'm going to dinner with a stroke friend and it was her time to choose. Should be interesting for me. I've eaten some things at Taco Bell but can't remember what they were called.


Being honored to speak at the conference is wonderful. I know you'll do well. Remember to send us any clippings or comments from it.


Hope to see you again soon - have a great supply of Pepsi right now so if you need the fridge room for iced tea, it's yours............Isn't that kind of me? BTW, do English people drink their tea iced ever?


Phyllis :big_grin:

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Hi Asha, Lin and Phil


Thanks for your encouraging comments.




Here is a link to the Internet Marketing course. (free) This is the third year. I did it last year and learned a great deal about the subject. This year it runs during August and promises to be new and different and with a focus to Web 2.0.


The 30 day challenge link


The other course on goals, wealth and health is a product by Mark Joyner of Auckland New Zealand. Simple.ology 101 (goals), 102 (wealth) and 103 (health). 101 is free while 102 and 103 cost $97 USD each.


Here is the link so you can have a look and sign up if you want.


The Simple.ology link


enjoy :)




I was looking at your posts on the renovation/expansion work going on at your house. It must be exiciting for you and you must be patiently awaiting the finished product.


Looks like a very well thought out project. I am sure one that you will get to enjoy for a long time.




Hay thanks for sharing the Pepsi. (I will have a suger high and they will be peeling me off the ceiling LOL) :bouncing_off_wall:


Can you just picture that in your minds eye.


Actually I have been cutting back on the fruit punch and drinking more lemon water. (healthier I yhink)


I still have my tea at Timmies with milk.


I am not sure if the English drink their tea iced or not. (maybe that is why the Queen stays so cool) :roflmao:


I dropped by your blog last night and left a comment on your last post.


Thanks again you three (for your comments)and don't forget to behave while I am away this summer. LOL


Smiles :)


(Your friendly Strokenet long timer eh)



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Hey, Good to see you. And extremely happy things are going so Well for you.


Thanks for the links too.. You always find such interesting things on the Internet.:)



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Hi Bonnie


Thanks for your comment. You are verry welcome for the links and I hope that you find something that interests you there.


Hope all is well with you and say hi to John for me.


Smiles :)



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