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An ultra sound done on my neck



Hope everybody is doing fine. On July 24 i had an ultra sound done on my neck. Check my arteries basically. The nurse took me back and explained to me what she was going to do. My mother went back to. The nurse scaned my right side first in which i got to watch and hear the sounds. Now my mother has had it done so she moved so she could see. The nurse would not tell me any thing good or bad and i understood . My right side looked good, the nurse took video of the whole thing. Then so moved around to do my left side. At this point i could not see, i had to keep my head straight and keep it relaxed. Then in the middle the nurse asked me to hold my breath and she told me when to let it out. I thought it was strange cause the nurse did not ask me to hold my breath on the right side. I could not even imagine why. When we were all through and walking to the car My mother told me i did good but that from what she had seen that I may have a small blockage in one of my arteries on my left side. My heart at that point sank. I thought about it all day long and the next and the next. The doctor hasn't called yet now i don't know if thats a good sign or a bad one. All i know is I am worried. very worried ! But i won't let it get to me. I started a computer class week before (before last week) and i like it. Its two nights a week and the teacher allows me to bring a tape recorder, so that way i can remember what my teacher says. So i'm really doing good but the ultra sound is really getting to me. Im scared. :head_hurts:


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I sincerely hope you receive good news from the test results and, at the worse, news that can be easily treated. Best of luck on the computer class. Try to keep calm, I know that's easier said than done, but fretting will do you no good.



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I just had to laugh at your blog, you are worrying about what your mother said about your MRA first of all she is not doctor or TEch, so stop worrying. I bet it will be nothing & when u get good results yell at ur mom who tried to act smart.





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natasha, i agree with the other ladies. your mom just added to your stress level when she didn't know for sure. i am sure things will turn out ok so don't worry, just focus on your computer skills you are learning. good luck.

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