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Down the Road



Well, I leave for a much needed and well deserved vacation by myself for a weekend of golf and relaxation. I am looking forward to it. It's funny, it's not the playing golf or spending Q.T. with my friends. It's being able to sleep through the entire night without being woken up. Lisa usually has to go to the bathroom a couple times a night and I, of course, have to get up and help her. Not that it is that big a deal, but often I am a bear when it happens. I want to sleep. Leave me alone. She wears a brace on her affected arm at night and the sound of velcro opening is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


Our son is moving out next Tuesday for the Twin Cities and Lisa and our daughter will be going down with him for the day. Lisa is handling it surprisingly well. I think she is not trying to think about it right now. She has broken down a few times already. It's a big step in our family, as it would be for everyone. Her baby is moving out. He is a total momma's boy. But, I see it as he is starting his life as an adult. He will be going to school and chasing his dream of becoming a record producer. I hope nothing but the best for him. But, he will always have a place to come home to.


Speaking of home, our plans of moving are progressing. I have looked a sites, toured a few smaller manufactured homes, and gotten a realtor to help selling our current home. Lisa and I are excited for the change. As I said, my mother will be moving in with us and her and Lisa are already discussing who gets to decorate what. Women!!


That's it for now. It feels good to be blogging again. I had forgotten how theraputic it could be.





P.S. Anyone want to buy a house?


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hey Butch:


blogging is not only therupetic for writers but also readers like us who can see life indeed goes on after stroke, I love your attitude towards your son moving to college, I don't want to even thnk what I will do when my only child goes to college.I am harping on him to go in our home state only. but who knows future.



good luck with your golf torunament& new house building.




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Hope you enjoy your golf trip and best of luck on the new house.


Will your Mom be able to help out with some of the caregiving duties to give you a break? You have earned your "wings", as many other caregivers have.

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Glad you're getting a chance to get away. That's important for caregivers. You also won't be sorry that you're planning a new house/move. It will make your life so much simpler to have a place that exactly fits your needs and downsize the maintenance.



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Guest thegoodlife


Hi Butch:


Good Luck with your house hunting and your son leaving. Both are hard to do but in long run a New Life starts!


Hope your Mom can help you out with the caregiving part as cargivers need breaks-and you are getting one going golfing-have fun!


Best of luck to all of you and wanted to say thanx for sharing with us-it is as thuraputic reading blogs as writing them.



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