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Meeting Friends



WOW What a Labor Day Weekend :) Bessy and her husband Ed took an AmTrack train from Chicago to Seattle to come visit us.


They arrived Sunday evening... We met them and they followed us into "town" to check into their Motel. Then we all went out for dinner and visited for awhile.


It was great to meet them. We met them Monday, took them to see John's shop, had lunch and went for a ride for some "site" seeing. Then we came to our house .. 5 acres. So they could meet our animals. It started sprinkling lightly, but we have a big umbrella. We do not have a ramp here yet. That is on the agenda for either this Fall or next Spring. After having a stroke .. we realize this is important. I can get up and down the stairs as they are wide and have a railing on both sides.


I have also learned a great deal this weekend on handicap accessible restrooms and a REAL need to have FAMILY bathrooms. Ed has been care giver to Bessy along with their daughters, so he is a real pro at where to stop. One rest room I stood outside the door, while he assisted Bessy in the handicap stall.


Our site seeing.. going on secinic drive, showing them the Bay and San Juan Islands was really fun. A real change of scenery from Chicago..lol


John and Ed hit it off great and Bessy and I had a great time chatting and catching up in the back seat.. We went to the Naval Air Base, they usually have planes flying and a real site.. It was closed for Labor Day ..


We had a great time at the house and Bessy and Ed got meet our zoo. They brought each of the dogs a new toy.. We took them back to town, had a really nice dinner, and more chatting.. They left this morning to go back to Chicago.


It was a short but eventful visit and a GREAT time. They arrive home on Thursday.. Bessy said to tell you all Hi.. and she is looking forward to being back in chat. and catching up.


What a wonderful warm couple.... I will post a couple photos in the Gallery later.


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Guest thegoodlife


:Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:


That is so neat!!!!! We need to all do that it would be so good to meet withthe people we talk w/all the time. :happydance: :happydance:


Glad to hear you all got along - but how could u not :laughbounce: !



I am so happy for all of you and plan on meeting you all soon too!!! Oh, maybe not real soon but sometime :bouncing_off_wall: !!!!!!!!!!


Looking forward to seeing your pictures.


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So glad the visit went well. Handicap accessible is something you don't think about until you "need" to have it available. I too look forward to seeing pics. I was able to attend one of the Arizona get-togethers and got to meet dear Kim right before we left AZ. I look forward to meeting others as well.

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i'm happy you both got to get together, i know bessy was looking forward to it. sounds like all of you had a great time. its so nice to put a face with a name, especially here at strokenet. i thoroughly enjoyed getting to meet sweet donna before she left az. members meeting members is a great thing, i hope more people are able to do it.

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How Groovy Bonnie! Now you got a face to Bessy and she to you! I mean we do see the pictures posted in the Bios or Gallery but it is so neat to meet a person live and in person. Thanks for posting the picture of you two...you two look like your are having loads of fun with your big smiles!

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How wonderful! I love to travel by train. Sounds like a good time was had by all! The best memories are made w/ friends and family. Take Care. LK
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