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serial killers



i know every statistic about every serial killer since the infamous jack the ripper. WHY? why do i and much of america CARE? why the fascination and intrigue? i have been thinking about it lately. i think i have the case cracked. uhm.gif




i can UNDERSTAND why someone may commit murder during an armed robbery. i don't LIKE IT, and they should certainly get the death penalty, but i UNDERSTAND it. they have motive. FEAR. fear of being recognized and sent to prison or worse. sad.gif


i can UNDERSTAND why someone murders a family member for insurance proceeds. GREED. plain and simple. it's HORRIBLE and they too should get the death penalty, but i can UNDERSTAND it. sad.gif


i can UNDERSTAND why someone would murder their spouse in the heat of passion ( god KNOWS i've even thought about it myself). ANGER. they too have motive. they too should be punished. although i think the death penalty may be a little harsh here.



i can UNDERSTAND why someone would murder the lover of a cheating spouse. JEALOUSY. they have motive. their punishment should be based on circumstances, in my opinion. but i can see why they might have done it. ohmy.gif


but WHAT motive could a person have to stalk and methodically murder strangers? i know, they had a domineering mother and an absentee father. well, i personally know 8-10 people off the top of my head who fit that description and THEY aren't serial killers ( at least i don't THINK they are) uhm.gif


so WHAT then. WHAT IS THEIR MOTIVE? that's where the intrigue comes in, at least for me. also, they always LOOK and SEEM so normal. ted bundy worked in a rape crisis center for god's sake. none of the interviews with them ever actually gets to the bottom of why they do this. WHY do they keep trophies. why didn't they take up collecting baseball cards instead of locks of victim's hair for instance.


i guess that's why it's fascinating. i don't want to MEET a serial killer, and certainly don't want to BE one, then WHY do i care at all? i guess that's a question to which there's no motive either. why am i thinking about this today? it makes me wonder if i KNOW one, but just don't know it and it's some sort of psychic connection. i hope i don't find out. now i'm getting REALLY suspicious. secret.gif



well, another black hole in my mind explored yikes.gif


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They're as many answers to this as there are seriel killers. Sexual gradification, power trips, the victims remind them of someone who broke their heart, etc. etc. etc.


The differnce between someone who lives through a rough time and one who takes it and becomes a serieal killer is the same difference as someone who is paranoid sci(I'm not even going to try and spell it) and someone who is physic. One person learned to cope and the other was lost in the process and couldn't adapt.


Now if you want a question to really get you wondering.... why do some people have foot fetishes? ewwwww



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Kimmy my Dear,


- only you would think like this. bouncesmile.gif Trust me if you knew any serial killers - they'd have already confessed to you - and you'd have the new pilot of a TV Show for the Discovery channel or FOX Network - "When serial killers confess" sounds a lot better than "When Geriatric's Attack" or any of those other odd shows you like.


Freak accidents, Conspiracy's, Serial Killers. From now on you have to watch the weather channel with your Dad! It's safer! pash.gif




PS - I know a cereal killer - Ryan once ate a whole box of Captain Crunch in one sitting!

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you couldn't RESIST the cereal joke!!! that's okay. i KNOW i am a freak

but i accept it and go on!!!!





kim pash.gif

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Hi Kimberly,


Psychopathic personalities are not that hard to understand. Hint: They're crazy! What I have a hard time understanding are the women who will write letters to, and will form friendships with, the serial killers after they're in prison and generally will treat them like rock stars. Please tell my you're not one of them!



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you just stole my idea for my next blog!!!! i find it ABHORENT that these idiot loony toons would WANT to write, talk to, and even MARRY these freaks. not that scot peterson is a serial killer, but look at the women who have PROPOSED to this two timing murdering sob!!!!!!!


that's something even more not understandable to me than the killers themselves!!! so, don't worry, no serial killer is going to hear from me!!!!! unless, like i said, i already know one and am anaware of it!!!! lol



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