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The oven finished at last!!



The oven is finally finished! Hopefully attached to this entry is a photo of Lesley in action and a bonus pic of Tippy a few days ago. Putting on the metal roof was a challenge, but between Lesley and I we got it done. Even with leather gloves, a few nicks and cuts, but nothing serious. The mason was kind enough to leave the scaffolding for us to use putting on the roof, a real help. The bread and assorted goodies have been coming out fine so far, no disasters yet. We are still learning how hot to get the oven, how long it takes to heat, how much wood on the fire, etc. Lesley has spoken to the manager of the local farmers market, and she has a stall open to her when the market opens back up next spring. It will be closing for the season soon. She has already had a fellow worker ask for bread for an upcoming family do.


Now that the oven is finished, we can get the greenhouse kit assembled soon. Hopefully we can do it next week before the weather turns too cold, it would be nice to have it ready next spring for early plantings. The garden is done for, we have had frost the past few nights.


My fishing has been limited because of trying to finish all the work to be done before winter sets in and also it has been cool and quite windy. I did go out a few days ago and brought home some bass, but I now remember why last September I did not fish much. Sitting in an aluminum canoe alone on a cold, windy day is not for the faint of heart. I still have problems with a left hand and foot that get cold easily, and with the water cooling off, and the necessity of wearing lots of warm clothing, a canoe alone is not the greatest idea now. A life jacket is of little use now, it would only make it easier to find my body. So fishing very small lakes close to shore is the order of the day. Soon the water will be too hard (ice) to paddle in anyway.


Time to start the winter preparation, put away garden hoses, boat motor, all freezable liquids in the garage and shed go downstairs, bird feeders go up now the bears are sleeping, snow blower is tuned up and ready, etc.


I did my "fall tuneup" with the active release therapist in Canada last week. He said all seems to be going well, no further sessions immediately planned. We also visited the mason/baker that built our oven. He has quite an operation going. He bakes 400+ loaves on Fridays, and sells them quickly at the farmers market in Thunder Bay, Canada on Saturday, a year around inside operation. Lesley and mum learned much from him.


I am starting my exercise program again, still dissapointed at my lack of strength in the left arm. Loading the canoe was more difficult than I liked, hopefully after a winter of strengthening exercises next spring it will be easier.


Anyway, enough for now, the bread is great, come on up and have some!


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The bread oven looks fantastic. I bet you are really enjoying it. I am jealous. :laughbounce:


Tippy also looks great!

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The oven looks fantastic!!!!!!!!! Great job!!!!! Tippy is just precious.


I'm sure the weather is getting brisk for you. We've had a cold front coming in from Canada last few days - brrrr. Even sitting under a blanket, my bad hand is slow to warm up. Thoughts of being in an aluminum boat makes be shiver.


Good luck with the winterizing.

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MMMMMMM.....homemade bread. I love it. My mom used to make homemade bread; I love the smell of it baking, not to mention its taste once it hits the palate. My mother, at various times, cooked on a coal stove and a wood stove but never did we have a bread oven. It sounds pretty cool.


I LOVE Tippy! What a beautiful dog! Take Care. LK

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hey George:


your oven looks like professional oven, pretty soon you will be selling those loafs and making money off that oven, lucky you, BTW wheree in michigan u live, I can smell that yummy bread smell here in NJ.




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Thanks to all for the comments. Lesley will be selling her bread soon, calling her business "Lesley's loaves". We live in northern Minnesota. On a map of the USA, find Minnesota, then find Duluth, MN at the western end of Lake Superior, then go up hwy 61, 120 miles along the north shore of Lake Superior, and you will see our little town of Grand Marais, about 40 miles southeast of the Canadian border.


Don't just smell the bread, come on up and have some!!

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