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Seeing some improvement - After a year!!!!



George is making some improvements and it has been over a year so the deal about not being able to make improvements past the first year, I just don't believe it. His improvements are in his ability to speak. He still has aphasia but he told me he thinks he is starting to understand things better. He is initiating conversations. He is starting to help me in the kitchen some too. I feel really blessed with the improvements he is making. It is amazing how wonderful the small things are now aren't they? I bought him a lift recliner, much against his wishes and now I can't get him out of it ha ha. It was the best purchase I have made. Except now I really need to encourage exercise more. But it has helped my back tremendously getting him in and out of the chair. We're also practicing sit to stands more and he is standing longer than before. I still am pondering the issue of moving closer to my daughter and the grandkids but I will have to wait until spring because George will be 65 then and can go on medicare so if I retire I won't have to pay full price for two insurances, jsut mine and a supplement for him.

September 19, 2007


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Thanks for the update. It's great to hear that George continues to make improvements. Even the small ones add up and never end despite what some medical professionals say. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:

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Thanks for the encouragement!!!





quote name='dstraugh' date='Sep 19 2007, 06:16 PM']



Thanks for the update. It's great to hear that George continues to make improvements. Even the small ones add up and never end despite what some medical professionals say. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:


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hey Wendie:


Thanks for update on George, those small improvements does add up and mean world of difference, if George is willing to help out in kitchen let him help you and praise him, how much it helps in your workload, I know my selfesteem boosted when I was able to contribute in small things at home.




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Dear Wendie--That is great about George's progress! The medical information I have read and heard from my dr. is that improvements and changes can occur 5 and maybe 10 years down the road. I just think its important to exercise to your potential. Doesn't have to be a lot, just do it. That's how I felt before my stroke and I still think that.


George sounds like he's motivated and so I think he will do well. Kudos!!! Good Luck. Take Care. LK

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Good news Wendie.. I know they told me 18 months. The first year probably brought the most noticilble improvements.. learn to walk, control my arm etc. I am 4 yrs out.. my husband said my "walking .gait" has improved. I still get tired easier, but the fatigue is better than it was. I think it takes a lot of practice and repetation .... to get our brains to re learn. I think progress.. even small continues as long as we keep trying. sometimes it is small.. like fine tuning, but something we don't have to think about doing anymore.My motto: It IS ALWAYS TO EARLY TO GIVE UP

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