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religious or spiritual?



I read some stuff from some people I like on the whole religious issue and at first I was hurt by it and then I got angry, not at the people, but at the perception of what I believe. So I decided to come here and vent a little bit. Maybe a lot so we'll see. It's my blog so I can do what I want.....RIGHT?????


Maybe someone can tell me WHAT THE HELL IS ORGANIZED RELIGION??????????

I know I've been caught up saying (and I wish you could hear my smart ass tone) "I don't like organized religion". Well tell me of any group that does not have organization. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It's the law baby ducks.


OMG.... a cussing Christian, yeah so go ahead and judge me or call me a hypocrite, but I'm not telling you not to cuss. I think we have all been hypocrytical at some time or another. It just so happens that a church or Christians seem to be the first ones to get the label or when discussing hypocrites it always seems to do with religion.


My mom used to make me clean my room, do chores, go to school, get a job and do lots of things I didn't like. So what. I was a good little Catholic girl for my first 3 years of school and always did what I was told, even to the point of being abused (not by my parents or church people). Then, when my parents could no longer afford it we went to public school and my mom bussed us off to a Baptist church on Sundays, which my friends and I kindly ditched to go smoke cigarettes behind the building. And my point is???????


Anyway, yes religion by itself sucks and kills people and is soooooooo boring. But it's the Spirit of God that infuses the words and brings life to them to help people or get them saved or whatever you want to call it. So just remember this. Not all "churches or church people are messed up". Why throw the baby out with the bath water? So go ahead and preach to me, but make sure the leading and the Spirit is there. I've been killed enough. And by the way preaching is nothing more than ministering, or helping. Isn't that what we do here?!?!?! Different perceptions I suppose.


Oh and one more thing Jesus wasn't the weak sweetie weeite a lot of people think he was. He got angry and in your face plenty of times even to the point of taking out his anger physically. And he wouldn't put up with whiners. So there. pash.gif


Wow, feeling awfully smart assed today, but I do feel better!!!!!!!!!! biggrin.gif


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I think a lot of people expect the church to be a museum of finished works when it actually is a hospital of people needing help and who are getting healed.


That said....when people say they hate organized religion.... that is a good attitude, however, it's not the religion but the people who demonstrate the religion. Christianity really is a relationship with the God of the universe...not a religion... He has communicated to us with the Holy Bible...it's our choice/responsibility to communicate with Him.

That's my two cents anyway.


I agree there are many who shut themselves out of much by a bigoted attitude toward religion.

I feel sorry for them.(now I'll get a whiplash from that statement) Everyone has a choice. We're not robots or drones programed to 'have the right attitude'. Man was created to worship the living God of the universe but He hasn't preprogrammed His creation to make the right decision. We are given a choice.


That's like giving your teen the choice to come home by 10 or 11 at night when you really expect them home by 9pm. We are all given the opportunity to choose what we believe.

End of my sermonette. smile.gif


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you could have been a preacher!!! lol. i couldn't agree with you more, however. i don't want to "hog up" your blog comments with all of my reasons, let's just say i live in the "bible belt" of the south. that should about cover it. gambling is illegal, but it's OKAY to play bingo for $. you couldn't buy alcohol on sunday until a few months ago, like it couldn't be bought on saturday and drank on sunday. etc...


anyway, i think that the bible is GROSSLY misinterpreted by many and i agree with what you blogged about!!!!!


kim pash.gif

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One last comment:

There always seems to be a rotten apple in every barrel. In other words, there seems to be a bad person in every group that will give the group a bad name or a bad reputation. After a while there is more than a few rotten apples in that barrel. giggle.gif


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Hi Cindy,


When I think of the differences between a person being 'religious' versus being 'spiritual' I think of the religious person as someone who is devoted to a certain denomination of a certain religion. Where as the person who is spiritual is someone who is not attached to any earth-based religion but still has a sacred regard for finding a path to God. To me, it doesn't matter what you call yourself so long as you have a believe system that helps you to keep striving to become a better and more compassionate person---and that includes non-Christian dogma.



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Amen Cindy,

There are just some real nieve people that don't take a chance to research what is given or introduced. But thats the choice they make. I really would not take a chance with not know a loving God that gave his son to die for us to give us the opportunity to be with him forever rather than burn in Hell forever (torment)


Any way what people think is organized religion is a bunch of people telling you what to do not what you want I think.

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