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A more peaceful week



Yes, the week was more peaceful for me :cloud9: And why you may ask? Cos I did not speak to my mother is my reply. I have not called there and Kristi has minimally spoken with her this week. My dear Auntie, very protective of me, spoke to Kristi and made some suggestions - one being that she doesn't relay :yadayada: to me all the negativity coming out of her grandmother's mouth. Kristi is listening and I've had less stress :happydance: . Tis a shame it has to be this way but it does.


The weather here has been very chilly (so used to the heat from AZ) that I'm shivering constantly it seems. This cooler spell was a more gradual onset than the last so at least my teeth weren't chattering like they were before a few weeks back. We're to be in the 70's this week - more seasonable for this time of year. Even Crystal hasn't just stayed upstairs either. She is definitely sleeping on Kristi's bed at night - won't stay in my room long still. When she walks into my room, she's all cautious poor baby. In AZ she used to sleep w/me (of course she had to share my pillow) so maybe I'm better off lol.


Today (Sunday) Chat was great with new Host Kathy. Kathy and I both have an adopted Mom - Mommie Phyllis :) has taken us under her wing.


After Chat, my niece and her family came for a bit - Taffy hooked us up with freecycle.org run through yahoo groups. It's pretty cool. As Kristi wants a guitar, and as my funds are limited, I'll be checking the site out often. Plus, my cousin Dar asked us to put together a Christmas list for family.


Only sad news was that the turtle Kristi was to get through her cousins passed away - "somebody" forgot to feed it - oops.


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Nice blog, daughter dearest. We do get carried away in chat- but that's what makes it so cool or groovy as Shirley says. Beats sitting and crying or looking into space. It's the recreation therapy of stroke network instead of bingo at my rehabs. LOL! Guess my new role entitles me to be a psydo Steelers fan now. Go Steelers! LOL!

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donna, its good to hear you had a better week. keep your real mom at bay for awhile, you don't need the upset. i bet it is starting to get chilly there, i do not envy you, just stay bundled up, especially when you go outside. you don't want mommie dearest phyllis getting on to you, lol. so sorry to hear about the turtle, how sad, yes everything needs to eat, duh. i would get your xmas wish list together soon as its right around the corner and don't spare the expense either, they are family, they know you and kristi need things after relocating there. after all its christmas. be safe and well my friend and warm.

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