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no more comments? :(



Hi everyone. I only got 4 comments on my last entry so I guess nobody loves me anymore :(. Well for the few of you who are interested in what goes on in my life, I have decided to give u an update...

Midterms were great. I made As in all 6 of my classes. Fall break, however wasen't so great. Sitting at home with nothing to do for 2 days reminded me of how depressed I was in high school and made me realize how greatful I am that I am in college away from that hell hole (my room) and I have so many friends to hang out with here who accept me for who I am. I also found out one of my good friends here can not see on her left side so she isn't allowed to drive neither but she didn't even have a stroke. She was just born that way. She did get a license though and she assured me that I will most likely get mine too in time. As for other school news, I am now president of the Individuals with Disabilities club, I will be speaking on the show airing on the community channel, and I WILL be riding in the Homecoming parade on Saturday as Miss Individuals with Disabilities! I am so excited about that.

In other news, I had an appointment with my pain management doctor yesterday. I discussed with him the concerns I had about the baclofen and he lowered my dosage. He assured me that the baclofen won't cause me to have seizure unless I abruptly stopped taking it and he lowered my dosage. Starting tonight, I will take half of the pill (5 mg) 3 nights in a row. Then I will take half in the morning and at night for 3 days. If I continue to not experience any problems I will start taking the half 3 times a day and in 3 weeks, I will move up to the regular dosage of 10 mg 3 times a day. I sure hope this works. Because of the cold weather I have been having pains in my arm and shoulder and just recently the back of my ankle feels like its pulling each time I walk. I also want to meet with the doctor who makes my brace because I just got it this summer but have not worn it ever since I started college because it hurts my foot so bad. but I do believe it helps me walk better so hopefully I can meet with him soon about fixing it for the 3rd time.

Well I have to go start on a 3 page paper which is due tomorrow as well as some other work so bye.


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Katrina, a few comments doesn't mean no-one loves you, just they got busy with their own lives. We are in Spring here in Australia so longer days, spring cleaning, more invitations to go to BBQs etc. That adds up to less time on the computer I guess.


We still read your blog and are interested in what you do, so keep on blogging.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Thanks for the update. Is your AFO articulated at the ankle or is it solid? Are you wearing proper shoes? Sometimes we have to give up style for comfort. Glad you are enjoying college life.



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Dear Katrina, :hiya:


Yes you are definitely still loved around here :wub2: !!!! Congrats on the grades - I'm sooooooooooooooo proud of you. And the Homecoming Parade - Way too Cool!!! :Clap-Hands:


Sorry to hear your fall break wasn't enjoyable. On the plus side, you have made friends, have been accepted for who you are and what you have to offer. And for those who can't or won't accept you - it's their loss. Each time I read your blog, I envision your sweet beautiful smile :D

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Hey there.. A's I am also very proud of you. I think I missed your last Blog..:( sorry. WOW the HomeComing Parade. have someone take photos of you in the parade for us.Sorry your fall break wasn't so great.. but now you know how much college, and your new friends mean to you. (I knew you would win them over with that beautiful smile).I know their are some "tennis shoes" or "sneakers" that accomidate an AFO. Hope you get it adjusted properly..Hoping the Baclofen works well for you, and so glad you spoke with the Dr about your concerns, and that he was so helpful with getting you started slowly.. sometimes that is a realy key.. starting slowly and moving up to the normal dose.You may want to ask PT about some stretching exercises for your ankel/foot to keep the tendons and ligaments stretched. I was told to sit with my leg out..(like on the bed) and bend my foot in towards my knee and then stretch it out.. flexing from the ankle. or maybe they will have you work with some "stretchy" bands. if you cant talk to the PT maybe the guy you see for your orthotic has some strengthing exercises he could tell you.Cheers and Conrgats little one. Keep up the good work. :)

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Hey sweetie, my internet time is monitored here at work, so I'm not on the site as often as I'd like to be. Way to go on all your achievements so far. Keep on smiling your beautiful smile, don't let life get you down. I know it sucks at times - it does for all of us at some time or other, but we keep on going. Hugs all the way from South Africa.

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hey Katrina:


we all love you & are very proud of your accomplishments and brag about you to our friends and family. you are doing so good that you are inspiring me 2. do those streching execises.


love from NJ




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So many good things outweigh the bad. I am sooo happy for you! You worked hard for those grades. You get to participate in the Homecoming Parade! WOW! How cool is that??!!???? You have come far and you have overcome your trepidations. You are a brave girl. You have faced your challenges fearlessly and overcome. Take Care. LK
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katrina, we all do love you, my heart is breaking that you would even think that, boo hoo. i am so pround of you and what you have accomplished so far. you are so strong and determined, those are great qualities to have in a person. your upcoming homecoming parade will be sooo great, and we want pictures too. great news on the meds, i hope it works well for you and get your brace fixed so you can get the full benefit from it. keep those grades up and keep smiling pretty girl.

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We still love you and are here for you but some days we are doing worse than you. In my case I can hardly walk, hurt all over especially my left side. I haven't been feeling good lately trying to figure out what the heck is going on including a red eye that won't go away.

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Hey Katrina!


Of course we love you! I, myself, have been experiencing trouble on posting my comments to certain blogs...Haven't a clue to what it is. I tried to post a comment to your last entry but it would not take. I also have this problem with Prelukis' blog. I am assuming I may be blocked by the individuals...I don't know. Let's hope I can post this comment.


So very proud of you :Clap-Hands: Awesome grades! And Homecoming Parade! How fun. I was able to experience in my Sophomore, Junior years at High School to be in the Homecoming Parade as part of the Royal Court..so fun and so long ago..lol Congrats Katrina on everything and I hope everything works out for you and you get your brace fixed. Great to see you being very responsible and concerned on your meds..glad you ask questions. I await your next blog entry and look forward to it. :bouncing_off_wall:

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