dbars' Blog

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A HUGE Thank You!



Hello everyone! First of all, thank you so much for your comments, care and concern! Hearing from all of you has shown me that I am not alone in this struggle to cope with stroke. Secondly, it has also shown me that I am lucky to be where I am. One of these days I will join you for a live chat and my coach will continue to harp on me to write something on my own....ha ha....coach is currently typing and thrilled to help but knows that Dale is a strong and determined guy who will overcome this barrier he currently faces. So, onward and upward........again everyone..........thanks!



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hey Dale:


welcome to our wonderful world of blogging, by coming here often & writing ur daily thoughts and reading others struggle u will realize you are not alone, I get hugely inspire by reading others blogs and also realizing my glass is more than half full. your coach is right you survived this horrific event of our life and we don't want that event to define us, but v need to redefine ourselves as survivor ready to wage war on life. I feel like warrior sometimes than survivor




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You stay strong Dale and keep fighting the good fight! Your determination will be what will help you overcome those barriers! WAY TO GO!

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Good for you! You are not alone, and reaching out and finding others is a Great step in the right direction!We understand how you feel, and it takes some time to relearn and adjust, I know you will hear this over and over, but with stroke patience and time.... is really what it takes. Knowing others are here for you, and gaining inspiration and motivation from this site has helped me more than I can say.DONT GIVE UP keep on fighting.. you are the winner.:)

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hi dale. i agree with the others comments. you can NEVER GIVE UP HOPE on your recovery journey. patience, hard work and determination is needed to get you through it. some days are tough ones to get through, but you can do it. try not to be to hard on yourself either. any improvement big or small is worth the hard work and celebrate those times, you will have deserved it. good luck and keep blogging.

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