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work weekend with some fun



Well the weekend started with some painting, then a clean up in the attic. My daughter is such a big help in these projects because the attic is too low for me to move around much. Anyway Saturday rained and we worked inside. On Sunday the sun came out and we went off to the local Penn State campus for "Space Day" a celebration of 50 years in space. My wife knows I am fascinated by this stuff but she is bored silly by it. She was a good sport to come along and listen to the lectures and helped make it fun. Well, today, Monday the sun shines but it is cool, (36 F this morning!). :head_hurts: :silly: :nuts:


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Fun mixed in with the work is good. Glad you had both this weekend. My daughter hopes to attend Penn State - school of Vet Science. There was a frost warning last night and we did reach below freezing.

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john, its good to mix work and fun, its good for the soul. i'm glad you had fun at space day. although i fell like i am in space sometimes since my stroke, lol.

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