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This news is even bigger than wearing sandles with a heel!!!! I found out on Friday that I am pregnant. Still VERY early days yet, but too exciting not to share. :Clap-Hands:


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Yes, yes, yes! Hip Hip Hooray!




It is the vey best news.


Keep safe and well and we will keep you in our prayers.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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hey Vicky:


congratulations, this is bigger than gigantic news, better than wearing those shoes, so happy for you. we will have to have baby shower here in our chat room, and you will have to tell us what are you going to have.




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Congratulations!!!!!!!!! That is absolutely positively stupendously better than gigantic news!!!!! We will definitely have to have a baby shower for you in chat, complete with virtual games, prizes, and of course food and plenty of it.

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This is the Best-est-est News, Ever! I am soooo very happy for you. You are in for one heck of a trip...for at least the next 18 years! Then they become fit for public consumption and they become your friend more than your kid (and those are great times, too). I am soooooooo happy for you. This is so cool. Take Care. LK
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oh wow! Congratulations! And.........we're all going to be Aunts and Uncles! Have to remember virtual gifts too at party. Let's see - Middle of July? Maybe June. or August????????? Gonna be great!
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