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enjoyed my first day



Today was my first entirely Ray free day. I did some housework this morning, tidying up the bedroom to start, bye spiders, be gone dust bunnies. Reminds me I need a new bag for the vaccuum cleaner, I tore the old one emptying it...first casualty of my war on dust.


I came on to chat and had the usual fun talking to everyone, some serious talk, some general, just following the flow of conversation. It was very satisfying to just interact with people in a "normal" way, no interruptions, no running out to see how Ray was. It was relaxing just to chat for a while. Thanks to those who came by.


Went to the shopping centre (mall ) this afternoon to look for and track down and maybe buy items for the upcoming birthdays, Christmas etc. I ran into a friend and spent some time over coffee chatting away. We are in the run up to elections. In Australia we all vote for the local Federal representative who sits in the Lower House (in Canberra) and for senators who sit in the Upper House all at the one election on the one day. The person who becomes Prime Minister is the head of the party that has the most elected members in the Lower House which is also called the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister is important but he is not THE most important person in the country as the U.S President is.


As in most elections both major parties trot out whoever they can get of any importance to boost the popularity of the local candidate. So Sadie and I are having coffee when two men come around the corner and one almost trips over us. He shoots out his hand and there I am shaking the hand of former Prime Minister Bob Hawke. Well! people you meet in a mall! What do you say besides "Hello" and "Nice to see you again" and Yes, I've already met Craig" ? ( I had as he stopped to talk to us in another shopping area last week). I guess they don't receive extra votes based on who accompanies them on their "pressing the flesh" as we call politicians shaking hands with the people, but it was nice that they stopped and talked to two ladies having coffee out eh?


The rest of the day went on as normal. I went home and unpacked the groceries, had a meal, then both our sons came in. Trev had gone over to his brother's place to mind the "boys" while Tori went to her first "Joey" (baby girls scouts) meeting with her mother. Steve came to borrow Ray's old lawn bowls as his firm is sponsoring part of a charity day at a local bowling club. Nice to see him as I hadn't had time to see him for a couple of weeks.


Spoke to my daughter on the phone tonight, all is well in the Salvation Army Corps at Cairns, won't tell you all the gossip there except they are doing the interviews for the Lord Mayor's Christmas Appeal which is taking a good deal of her time for three weeks. Guess someone has to do all that interviewing or Christmas Appeals would never get the goods to the folk who really need them eh?


And so the week will go on, a bit of the same, a bit different to how it goes when Ray is home here with me. It is not exactly the heady smell of freedom but it is a chance to do things at my pace and in my own way for a while.


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It doesn't surprise me you were busy busy - and this was just the first day! I fondly remember back to my dust bunny chasing days - NOT - LOL. My mission now is to point them out to kiddo so she can chase them before they procreate. My chores primarily revolve around the kitchen. We've got a system here...Kiddo cooks...and Mom cleans up LOL.


We had election day in our city yesterday for Mayor. The young (mid 20's incumbent) won and will serve the remaining 2 year term of the former Mayor. Our former Mayer passed away from a brain tumor and this young man had taken over. My Brother has personally met him and says he's nice and will do good things for the city. We'll wait and see.


Sorry I couldn't make it to chat. Last night was the season finale for a television show that Kiddo and I both enjoy watching.

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Sadly tonight we received the news that our daughter's father-in-law had a heart attack early this evening and died. So some time next week I will drive for four hours to be at his funeral, where it is to be held and when has not yet been decided.


Of the two parents he was the healthy one, the carer for his wife who has many health problems. It is so sad. Our daughter and son-in-law and two grandchildren are of course devastated at the loss of this kind man. I'll go take Ray out tmorrow and tell him that way.


In the midst of life we are in death.



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So Sorry to hear of the loss of this kind man Sue. I do hope you can accomplish what you want to do with the Spring Cleaning while Ray is in respite. And I hope you get to slip in a few more coffee pamper times as well. You got your massage to look forward to.
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