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Found a new apartment



After all the looking and calling I've finally found a new apartment biggrin.gif


This whole fiasco started 3 months ago when the road commision stopped by to inform us that the state was expanding our road to make it a bypass. Of course, I had to live on the side they were expanding. I had a few places in the works when Kathy had her stroke. Well I had to let them go, because I didn't care about following up at that time. Then I had to add the worry of finding something accessable just in case Kathy had limited mobility when she came home.


Well, today I signed the lease on a two story, ground level apartment. Bathroom upstairs and downstairs, 2 bedrooms, and everything I've been looking for. Even has 2 closets in each bedroom. Finally I can put on a pair of jeans without worrying if they are mine or my wifes. It's frustrating being half alseep and finding out the jeans are up to your knees.


I'm going to start moving things the middle of next week. Hopefully by the following week I'll be all moved into my new place.


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Hi Michael,


Been there, done that! I had to find an accessible apartment when Don came home and let our two houses sit empty until we had a better idea of the outcome of the stroke and what was the best thing to do. Take my advice and if anyone offers to help, have a list ready to name off a a choice of jobs. It will give you more time with Kathy.



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