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Back fromSummer...



Hi Everyone


Well I am finnaly back from summer... What a summer it has been. August was a very full month as I was involved in the Thirty Day Challenge 2007 and that was way busy. Then September was some more TDC 07 and a pile of volunteer work. October was taken up with another new Kingdom Hall construction project and getting ready to give a presentation at the Provincial Heart and Stroke Conference Nov 01st to 03rd. Also I was asked to attend an extensive environmental course Nov 05th to 8th in Halifax Nova Scotia....Whew...


So now I am able to get some R&R (I hope)


The Heart and Stroke people have asked if I could participate in a sesson later in November to give feedback on the Stroke Conference.


Other than that I hope toto step back to a little less hetic pace going forward.


Thanks Sue for the invite to get back to blogging. I will try to be a bit more regular in future.


Smiles :)




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Glad to hear all is well. Hopefully you can catch some R & R before you're on the move again. But, your busy schedule is for worthy causes.

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Wow! you are quiet the busy one and like Donna said, for such a worthy cause!. You do us proud here at Strokenet. You deserve the R & R and you pamper the hell out of your self..you earned it and YOU ROCK!



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Hi Phoenix


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Thank you for your encouragement.


I think ALL Stroke Buddies (survivors) rock!!!


We have a "been there...done that" experience to share and the more I share the more I realize how important it is to share that experience.


We all have our story and each story is unique and special. If we can find a way to share our story then we have done a GREAT thing.


There is a great book about how to make a story stick in the mind that I have recently read. The book is called "Made to Stick" and it develops the principals of story telling that are memorable. Based on the Acronym SUCCESs. Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, Story. Google "made to stick" and you will find it. It is a great book and an easy read.


Let's all ROCK!...


Smiles :)




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How groovy Gary on the book, I will definately check it out for sure. Yes, we survivors all rock! I look forward to your next entry! :Jammin: :You-Rock: :Jammin: :You-Rock: :Jammin: :Jammin: :Jammin:

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Hello Gary I read your comment to my comment on Jeans blog and just wanted you to know I'm doing great. Sounds like your still busy all the time. That's great keeping busy not only makes a difference for yourself but undoubtedly has made a difference for many others. I know it did for me. Jean still hasn't posted in her blog and that some what worries me. I sure hope every thing's all right. Well Gary just wanted to let you know I've been on track with only a few sidings since my stroke in 04. The beat goes on. Stay well be happy your friend Clarke Taylor

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