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Treadmill Study



I received a call from the research group who are conducting a study using the treadmill. As I wrote in an earlier blog, this study uses a treadmill where the right and left sides of the machine work independently of each other. This mechanism has helped people who had a limp to walk without the limp.


I was glad they called because I was about to call them and find out if I was still in the study. They called to let me know that the study will probably start sometime in the middle of December. I am really looking forward to it and I will keep you all apprised.


They said they are waiting for funding for the study. I always thought you got the funding before you started recruiting people. But what do I know and besides, I am just happy to be part of this. Take Care. LK


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That is sooooooooooooooooo cool that you'll get to participate in the study. Perhaps part of their funding requirement was to have individuals interested in the study. Hope the funding is approved and is beneficial for you. I've just recently participated in 2 studies from home but they were nothing like that. Best of luck - definitely keep us posted.

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That's great news! Please definately keep us updated on how the study is working for you and the experience. I look forward to your entries!

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thats great news, my pyhsio decided to put me on the treadmill last visit and i think the experience trigged the brain cell as i have got more feeling in my affected leg and i'm looking forward to the visit next week. hope you go well in the study.




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that is so neat that you were choosen to participate in the study - sounds like a really cool one too. i will be watching to hear how things go. cheers! kathy

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