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another week in paradise



it has been a busy and scarey week for me. we are working hard to get our house ready to go on the market so we can leave the warm paradise of florida and move back to the frozen north.this requires somes hard work(painting, re-mulching,super cleaning/) and i feel angry and sad that i can't do the work i used to do. these feelings come and go and i try not to dwell on them, but at times i would like to pitch a fit. i don't - i just try to stay focused and in the moment. of course i worry about the housing market and our timing, but we are moving cause we want to be back with our kids and grandchild so there is not the pressure of "we must" move. if it takes a year that's okay. plus i have good friends here and my doctors are quite excellent.

i had a real scare this week when my hubby,barry, came in from walking the dog and said he was having light flashes in his eyes. he did not feel sick and said he was just tired and wanted to go to bed. i, on the other hand,was on high alert. that night after he went to sleep, i went into all the "what ifs "should something happen to him. he is older than me but has always been so healthy!!!! well, so was i until i stroked out of the blue. i get so scared sometimes at how i would live if he was not here with me. before my stroke i was so independent and made good money - i was planning for my retirement so i would always be secure. poof - all that went up in smoke in 2005. anyhow, after getting myself quite a upset i tried my breathing exercises and remembered that there really is not anything i can do other than hope for the best.

the next morning the light flashes and arcs were still there so barry took himself off to the eye doctor - after two hours of tests he was told he was having ocular migraines and that he was fine. sometimes they are stressed induced but never life threatening. thank the god and goddessess for that! i asked barry if he was more stressed than usual - and he just said there is too much going on. he left it at that. knowing how he is about this kind of stuff i backed off. i will try to keep an eye on him while he is keeping an eye on me! now that should be interesting!

on another note, i have found a way to increase my income , i have noticed that when i go somewhere with my cane i spend time looking down(so i won't fall). on my few adventures out i have found alot of change on the ground. today i went to the drugstore on my own and found 43 cents! i came home and told barry and we had a good laugh.

on friday i saw the doctor and got my botox shots. i have to go back in 6 weeks so he can do my shoulder and scapula. i am anxious for the stuff to kick in as my arm and hand are in dire need. i always laugh after these procedures thinking my arm and hand have now been cosmetically enhanced. they are so lovely! lol

that is about it for my week. the weather here in florida has turneed cold(haha) and it is 47 degrees out. my neighbor is walking her dogs in a ski parka,gloves and earmuffs. goes to show you how people respond differenly to situations. my hubby is still in shorts! well, the coffee calls.......kathy


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Hiya Kathy,


Great 2nd Blog Dear. Sorry to hear your Barry is having some medical issues. I'm sure you'll keep an eye on him as he does you. I can understand your fears though mine are slightly different as I worry about my kiddo's health. We are both going to visit our PC next week. She knows the things she is to discuss - but hopefully I will also be in the room as I'm sure she will minimize the problems she's experiencing.


We just have to move ahead though don't we. Don't spend your 43 cents in one place lol. But it would be kinda fun to put the money in a jar to see how it accumulates. When I was gainfully employed, I never had change around (except for pennies) cos someone very close to me would snare the change - I wonder who?????? lol


Best of luck in getting the house ready for the sale. Post, we had to sell our townhouse - it was a mini nightmare - but we survived it. Just take it one day at a time so you both don't get too stressed out.

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I understand, about the income and retirement.. going "poof" and the frustrations of not getting as much done.STry Not to over do.. then it takes 2 or 3 days to get back .... to even just 0 .......... Sometimes we don't have much choice and just get too tired. In the New issue of Stroke Smart is a really good article on FatigueSorry to hear about Barry...maybe you can take one evening and do something you both enjoy.. rent a movie to watch, or a walk together. some time away from the stress.We have a "change" jar we throw loose coin into into and once or twice a yr we take it in.. surprising how quickly it adds up.

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kathy, just keep saying to yourself it will all work out. i understand how you feel though about not being able to do now what you used to be able to do. my hushand wants to sell our house also and move back home, but has been saying this for 2 years now. everything will get done that needs to be done i'm sure, just takes time. try not to stress about it, easier said than done, i know. i'm glad barry is ok, you both need to have some fun time together to relax. great news about the money you are finding, it all adds up. take each day as it comes and do what you can to get the house ready. we are alittle slower now, but thats ok. be safe and well.

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I can't believe you are new to blogging, your blogs are very interesting, it's always fun reading your blog. I am happy Berry is alright and I too worry about it, but I think if I can handle stroke, I bet I can handle anything. your generating new income was funny and I bet keeping in a jar and at the end of year will find surprising results. there is one thing I read someplace " don't worry about the thing you don't have any control over it" real estate market has slowed down, but hasn't busted, so houses might stay longer in the market but they do sell out.




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