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missing out



It is so frustrating when it seems like it is never OUR turn to be given a break (literally AND figuratively). I guess it is so true that nothing lasts forever though, good or bad. All we can do is feel each moment of life- cherish the good in it, no matter how frustrating- and remember for better or worse this day will be a memory before we know it.


Thank you to the kind person who send me this email. She never thinks she is wise but her email closing with this paragraph certainly put life back in perspective for me.


Last Thursday Trev and I went north to my daughter's father-in-law's funeral. We had a nice three bedroom unit which we shared with our other son and his family. We stayed two nights so we could settle the kids in and give ourselves some down time as well.


Unfortunately both the little boys aged 16 months and three months had something wrong, one a high temp the other an upset tummy so the first night was full of the cries of small children and low on sleep. I tried to get Alex to sleep, his Dad tried, his Mum tried etc. You've all been there, done that. So Friday there were three tired adults, three tired children.


Our son-in-law did his father's funeral service, it must have been hard for him to do, I don't know how he managed to get through it but he did. And did a fine job. It must be so hard to do the service knowing it is your much loved father in the coffin, not some distant relative or friend. I did the eulogy for my Dad and remember how that felt. We went to the funeral tea afterwards, it was that mixture of sadness and false laughter, when people are trying to bring back to normal a day that is still madly out-of-control for the family at least.


At dinner that night I ate something that made me feel very bad the following day. Trev drove home, and I made it to the promised massage at at the women's weekend at 2pm only to find the masseuses had left early! So no massage. Instead I listened to all the others talk about their massage and how much they enjoyed it! But I guess in a way my running back and forth to my room would have taken the pleasure out of it anyway.


Last year I had a ball at the womens weekend away, this year I was just not in the mood. They said how much fun Friday night had been - I felt left out. I felt as if in making one choice - the funeral - I had destroyed my share of happiness in the weekend. I guess we have all done that, had something we had thought would be so good turn sour.


The paragraph I copied from Kristen's email applies here. Nothing is all bad. The weekend was not a success because of my feelings left over from the funeral but my room mate with her "can do" attitude was a great reassurance to me of the strength of women. I did have some time to chat to some of the others and I am sure that will allow me to talk to them on a more serious way in the future. We are all in pain, caregivers and survivors alike, and we are much stronger when we call up the strength of others to help us.


On the Thursday and Friday I enjoyed seeing my grand children again and seeing Naomi getting acquainted with Oliver and the older two resuming their kinship. I found out how much my son-in-law's mother and brother appreciated that we had come as a family to be with them in their grief. I got to swim in a nice pool at the units and early Friday morning Tori and I walked up and down a small beach finding shells, watching the platoons of joggers (seemed like hundreds of them) and catching a glimpse of marine life in the rock pools.


Kristen is right - nothing lasts forever good or bad. And we have to make the most of each day, as much as we feel able to at any rate.


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Kristen is so right in what she wrote to you. Because you are the caring loving person you are, you attended the funeral and gave up the majority of your special weekend. Others may have done differently - but you are anything but selfish. From having crying babies to a sleepless night to a missed massage and to not feeling well yourself, I know you handled it all with superb grace and dignity which identifies to me who you are...an Angel here on Earth.

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If you could have read my thoughts instead of my blog you would have known I was less than angelic. I can tell you my wings dropped off a long time ago.



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It is frustraiting when we are sooo looking for something nce.. and planned for.. then something comes along to muck it up.. and we do the "proper" thing... and we know we are going what is right and "expected" we can't help feeling a bit resentful. The pride and joy in your son-in-law and family is something you will remember.. probably more than the Friday night with the girls.Bad things happen.. and I try to remind myself that if we didn't have something bad, we would Not know or enjoy the good things so much.Your walk on the beach with Tori ..finding shells .. and seeing the the little pools with creatures will be a cherished memory of her.I will have to look for it.. and try to re type it in.. But there is a poem I found "I like to Walk with Grandma, she walks slow like me.. It is about a child walking with her grandma and all the flowers and things they find.. because they are not Rushing.sorry you missed your massage, but you have wonderful memories of the children and family..

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I agree with Bonnie, you are creating wonderful memories with yur grandkids, yes it hurts that you didn't get to do whay you would have liked to do but I am sure being with your S-I-L was much more rewarding than that massage. I loved your first paragraph about life nothing is forever good and bad and e better cherish each moment in it.




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Though things did not work out completely the way you wanted you did have some special moments. And I am talking about the walk on the beach and finding the shells...That is a moment that will be etched forever in your heart and Tori's. I too have shells or certain things that are connected to my Mom..Rest her Soul. I pull them out whenever I feel compelled to travel back in time and be with her. Those moments are priceless.

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Hi Sue


What a great post. Sometimes we just do what we know is the right thing knowing in our hearts that repayment will come in so many unexpected ways.


Good on you girl...You do deserve those wings!


Isn't it neat how the bad memories tend to fade with time while the treasured memories become polished gems that remain forever.


I could never say anough about the previous comments. Ladies you are all points of light in your own rights.


It is an honor and privilege to know each and every one of you.


Smiles :)



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Asha, the quote came in an email sent to me by Kristen (givincare) it is none of my wisdom. And yes,the more I think about it the more I realise that I made the right choice.


We often don't realise it but we are laying down layer after layer of memories, for our children and our grandchildren. How many times have you said: "My mom used to say..." or "I remember when my grandparents..." and have a little smile at the thought too?


Thanks to all for your support.



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