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NESS L300 foot drop system



hi everyone...on wednesday i went to ny presbyterian hospital's pt department for an initial evaluation to determine if i am a candidate for this new neuroprosthetic designed to improve gait

(walking). after the usual questions and a brief exam i was fitted with the device and walked with it

functioning. it did lift my foot when i advanced my affected leg instantly providing less drag to my walking and a bit more of the heel/toe movement that i need to approach a more functional gait. i will go back this tuesday for more evaluation then i can proceed to order the device whereupon i would return for several more pt sessions to insure optimal operation and placement of the electrodes. a friend is currently using this system with positive results. you can check out their website at: www.bioness.com


one week from today i leave for los angeles to start therapy using the saebo device in conjunction with contstraint induced movement therapy at the advanced recovery rehabilitation center. i'll be posting! happy thanksgiving!


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Awesome Rich! It sounds like such a positive thing for you...so cool! You'll get that heel toe action soon enough..BRAVO! I bet you are all packed and ready to go to LA..I hope the best and success on the nueroprosthetic bioness and the saebo device therapy. Can't wait to read your entries on that. I am excited for you! HAPPY TURKEY DAY! I wish you good food, good drink, good company and plenty leftovers to last a few days after because you know everything taste better the next day! Good Luck Rich, My Friend, and thanks for the website info..P.S. The air should be safe to breathe in now in LA after the fires but you know LA is known for it's smog for years now anyway. Please check it out in cause you need to take precaution like bringing a mask or something..you never know. Take Care!

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Hi Rich


That is quite a Gate Keeper. LOL Looks like it could make a major difference in walking.


Looking forward to your future posts.


Thanks for sharing!


Smiles :)



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