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A Time For Giving Thanks...



Thanksgiving is the time of the year we give thanks for our many, many blessings. Most of us don't think about the meaning of Thanksgiving.


To most of us it's a holiday we don't work and we share with our family and friends. We enjoy lots of turkey baked or fried, a big ham and football all day long.


Our forefathers set aside this day every year to give thanks for their abundant crops. They celebrated with a meal of wild turkey and vegetables they raised and a prayer of thanksgiving.


I might add that my parents were share croppers and farmers moving from county to county while raising 12 kids. Me being the last child.


In today's world, most of us don't raise crops anymore and very few have home gardens. We earn food, clothing and shelter by providing a service to our employers.


Let's not forget those less fortunate than us and share the thanksgiving day and prayers with them that we may get more blessings as we grow older.


Let's all say a special prayer for those families with loved ones serving in the war zones. You are all in my prayers! :Starvin: :deal:


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fred, you said it all very well. we all should give thanks for what we have been given, a second chance at life. i do wish you and yours a very happy thanksgiving and a great new year.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. There is much to be thankful for outside of our own homes and we must remember that. Thank you for the reminder. (((hugs)))

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Yes we as survivors are probably more aware of the Thanks in Thnksgiving.Be careful frying the turkey.. My brother-in-law did one last year and it was really good. Many fires have been started by the fryers so be sure to do it away from the house and follow directions for the oil carefully. Have a fire extinguisher close by. Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving. :)

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