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Thanksgiving to Remember!!



This has been a very very special Thanksgiving for me and will hold many many memories. Although no one took pictures, mentally I did, and hope I can keep them in the memory bank to cherish.


This was the 1st Thanksgiving in 13 years that we've been with family and it was a 3 parter. On Thanksgiving Eve, My cousin Darlene and her hubby, Bryan, picked up Kristi and I and drove us to Auntie's house. My other cousin Lisa, her hubby Chuck, and daughters Tori and Becca were awaiting our arrival. There were 9 of us for dinner and a bunch of yummy food and laughter. Darlene gave us all an assignment to be completed by Christmas Eve when we all get together. We've each got to write down (or type) our memories of each person the family. Dar wants to put together a family memory book. This project may be a bit hard for Kristi as she doesn't remember way back when we were all together before the move to AZ. Dar told her she can do current memories. One thing that was neat to see was how Kristi, Tori, and Becca are repeating history.....Me, Darlene, and Lisa were always close growing up - like sisters.


On Thanksgiving Day, my Brother-dearest picked up Kristi, me, and his youngest son - Joey and we all drove to my nephew/landlord Billy's house. They just moved into this house last month after the sale was finalized. It's gorgeous!!! I could not navigate to see the bedrooms upstairs but Kristi and my Bro were good informants. Billy had prepared 2 turkeys...1 traditional and 1 deep-fried. Was the first time I tried a deep-fried turkey and it was pretty good tho I'll stick with traditional bird :big_grin: Once again...lots of good grub. There were 9 in attendance at this dinner as well including Billy's wife Jessie, little girl Kaleigh, Billy's stepson Brandon and my ex-sister-in-law Cathy - that was a treat lol). Billy also had "light-up" nite with his outside Christmas decorations. Way Cool. After dinner, there were more arrivals (Jessie's family) and my Niece and her hubby and 3 kids. I was drained by the time we got back home.


I had firsts as I used the basement door to walk out to vehicles both Wed and Thurs. Going out the basement door involves a slight step up then a step down. there is a paved walkway to the grass then a drop down. As we've had rain...it was soft and even more uneven. My #1 coach (Kristi) talked me through it and I didn't plop on my nose. At each home I had to do some navigating as well since the old w/c was left behind and I used the hemi-walker. But I did it!!! :thumbup:


On Friday Kristi and I had doc appointments with our new PC. I had to get new scripts and Kristi was having some shooting pains in her arm*Doc found nothing abormal and said we're to keep an eye on the situation. Kristi could not get flu shot as I did because of her cold. I also received tetanus shot. We've NEVER been to a PC so thorough. Really liked her "bedside manner" as well as she sat and talked to each of us prior to exams. I was not in with Kristi during her exam and vice versa. But...on me....they did EKG, normal physical type stuff including diabetic exam of feet, a breast exam AND a rectal. That was a first :blush-anim-cl: Plus she ordered a bunch of tests. And, doc is to be completing paperwork for me to get a power chair through The Scooter Store. Insurances should cover completely. Please pray for me it all works out as I then can also become more independent and leave the house on my own.

I asked her about Botox treatments for my arm. She will be speaking with her neuro colleagues. I kinda gathered she has not had many stroke patients but is willing to consult with others. Thankfully, she is not cocky and feels she knows everything either.


Yesterday, Sunday, we prepared our own Thanksgiving feast in our house. Kristi and I were a pretty good team in the kitchen tho she had a bird herself when she had to lift the turkey out if the sink and place him in the cooking bag. All I heard was "ooooooooooooo, gross......yuck and how could we violate Willy - yes she named the turkey. We stuffed "Willy" plus had stuffing on the side. Also prepared mashed potatoes, gravy, candied yams, corn, and crescent rolls. And....last but not least pumpkin pie. My Bro was to be here but he wasn't feeling well (seems he caught Kristi's nasty head cold). My 2 great nieces, my youngest nephew and his girlfriend and a friend of Kristi's were here with us. Before everyone came, we set out the few Christmas decorations we have to sit out. (My Bro believes he can rustle up an extra tree for us) We had one box we brought from AZ that Kristi packed (leaving behind some of my favorites, I must add - Kids :nuhuh: )


By last evening, I was totally worn out physically and mentally drained. Thank goodness for having a working dishwasher that's all I have to say.


My Bro has been teasing me that I'm earning frequent driving miles as I was out of the house 3 days in a row. On Friday after the doc appt (he had his granddaughter's with us too), we all went to dinner. Out of the blue, my dysphagia decided to flare up and I ended up quite ill. On the positive...I was able to get myself in and out of the raised booth and to the restroom numerous times. Thank goodness the restaurant we were at was not busy and it is very "child friendly". What I got to consume tasted quite good. I haven't had a dysphagia flare up for several months...this time was a doozie. Since Friday, I have to be very careful as anything I eat wants to get "stuck". But....I'm keeping my head up and being positive that the dysphagia and other stroke-related maladies will not become worse.


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Sounds like you had a great time.. and lots of fun catching up with family.Sorry about the dysphagia, maybe all the excitement.. or getting over tired.Is there any medication like Reglan or Bentyl that helps? You may want to talk to your new Dr about it. Glad you liked the new Dr. And prayers going out for all to go well to get the chair to make your life easier :)

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Sounds like you had a terrific Thanksgivingx3. Good luck on getting the scooter. Since I got my motorized wheelchair, I can get around much easier and I do feel more independent. However, don't give up on your walking - it will be tempting.



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hey Donna sis:


even though I knew the whole story, reading in the blog again made me so happy for your wonderful thanksgiving, power of spending & having fun with friends and family is a big boost to my morale. I am sure your dy..... acted up cause it was way too excited abt eating at fancy restaurent. it's great to see positives outweighing negatives in our life. I too am looking forward to your first scooter trips without permit.




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Ray has some dysphagia problems if he gets into a conversation when eating, at home that is ok, but out with a crowd it is embarrassing so we are really careful in the foods we select. Plenty of small bites, small sips of iced water etc.


I am glad you had so much fun with your family. Seems like making the move "home" was just what you needed to go forward into new and interesting projects. I just loved the idea of a memory book!



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donna, i am so tickled for you. being with family after so long has been good for you, i see it in your blog entries and posts. kristi is getting to know her family. you did great getting out and around to all of the get togethers. especially in the rain and uneven ground. i too hate walking in the rain, uneven ground and grass, i get very nervous. but you did it, woohoo. you know i will keep you in my prayers for the scooter, you do deserve one and it would be so good for you. i bet you are turkey stuffed, no more for awhile huh. your new dr. sounds like a good one, i'm glad you got a good exam. be safe and well my friend.

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My heart is smiling for you that you are with family and enjoyed your 3-part Thanksgiving celebration! Now you got Christmas coming up and more Turkey! maybe ham too. Did Lilli and Cyrstal reap the benefits of all that extra turkey? Great you like your doctor and good luck on scooter.

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donna, i just think three thanksgivings are so cool. next year you could just feast until christmas! i am glad the holiday was so great with all your family - after all that is really what it is all about. i love the memory book asignments - what a great keepsake for the future.

have you been studying for your motorized chair license? that will just be awesome thing! zoom!zoom!zoom! kathy

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