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So little time



Hello everyone,

I am so sorry I have not updated recently. So much has been going on. I have a 2:00 class so this will be brief but I just wanted to let you all know I am still alive and doing well! I was not in the parade but I WAS on tv :) I also started receiving the ssdi so I went on a major shopping spree. I have been doing well in all of my classes except philosophy so this week and next week I will be doing extra credit and studying for finals. I have been doing a lot around campus. I am PRESIDENT of the Association for Individuals with Disabilities (and I got a plaque), I am a member of the criminal justice club, I serve on the publicity committee for the Freshman Class Council, and I have completed 40 volunteer hours as a library assistant and an office assistant. I have been so busy! But the semester is winding down now so pretty soon I will be on break. I do have a uestion for everyone. I couple of months ago, I met a friend who cant see out of her left eye, I talked to a friend who knows someone who cant see out of one of her eyes, and lastnight a friend told me that he knows someone who only has one eye. All of these people have a license! So my question is should I schedule a hearing with the medical examination board at raleigh to see if they will reconsider allowing me to drive? Or should I just leave things the way they are and look for transportation services around here? After speaking with my doctor and talking to me dad, it seems like doctors have been denying me the right to drive because they dont want to be held accountable if i wreck. My dad also talked to a license examiner who said he doesnt check for peripheral vision. This I already knew because there was no vision test when I started drivers ed and no vision test when I tried to get my permit. So what should I do? I deserve to drive. but at the same time I feel like its a waste of time to try to fight for my right because no one supports me. Well I have to go to class now bye


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Hi there dear girl. Great to hear from you. Sorry you didn't ride in the Parade but you were on tv - cool. Glad to hear classes are going good and that you're involved so much. Just be sure your studies are not affected by outside activities. I know...who am I to talk? I was a college student and working and a single Mom so time does fly by at a rapid rate.


As to your driving...yes, with today's concern over lawsuits, a doc is probably nervous to grant permission for you to get your license. It's not like you had been driving previously and had a driving history that could be reviewed on your behalf. Whether to drive or not to drive is a question that doesn't have a simple yes or no answer. Do you feel you could be a safe and responsible driver with your visual limitations? If you feel you can as well as there are no added concerns over seizure activity then perhaps pursue driving. For now though, with all you've got going on with school and activities, why overload yourself with another concern - personally, I'd arrange for transportation and place the driver's license on the back burner (that's my 2 cents worth :yadayada: )


Good luck on all your finals.

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Like Donna says with everything else going on now. Why add extra pressure? Then there is the expense of the car. up keep, maintenance, cost of gasoline rising. and then parking.. digging out and scaraping a car in the snow, driving on icy or snowy roads is no picnic for seasoned drivers.This is something you could look into Spring or Summer break.I would look into public or other transportation at this point.

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katrina, i have to agree with the other ladies on the driving issue for now. tackle one thing at a time. you have so much going on now and school is more important. sometimes we have to wait for what we want. congrats on the ssdi, and good luck on your finals. be safe and well.

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I don't know you and I don't know all the aspects of your physical condition and finally, I am no doctor. So, in a generic sense, I agree w/ the other (2) ladies. Get through the load you have on your shoulders now and then see what can be done in the Spring and/or Summer.


I know people who drive w/ one eye so it is a "doable" thing. In my state, we do have to take a vision test. When I first went to get my license when I was a teenager, I looked into the machine and I could not see the signs; they were out of focus. Now, my eyesight was good so I didn't know what the matter was. Later, someone told me, "Everybody knows you close one eye when you take the vision test and then you can see the signs correctly." So, Go Figure.... Take Care. LK

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I bet that shopping spree felt good and was fun! Congrats on getting your SSDI! How cool you were on TV ...I agree with the others, wait on the driving. You've gone this long already, a little more time won't hurt. Good Luck on everything!

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Thanks for updating us, wow you sre one busy overachiever girl and I am so proud of you. Katrina I agree with others, trust me you will be able to drive in future, but do you want so much overload just now. If you are able to go without vehicle then don't push yourself, you wll be driving for sure.




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