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Sick of feeling sick :-(



The excitement of finding out I'm pregnant is now being overshadowed by ALL DAY nausea. Who named it "MORNING" sickness??!! I have read that the nausea should pass after 12 weeks, so here's hoping.... I have a gynae visit on 21 Dec, so hopefully that will be a bit more enlightening. Apart from feeling green all day, all seems to be going ok.


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"It's not that easy being green."

~Kermit the Frog.


Hey Vicky, it is part of the pregnancy for some women, that all day "morning" sickness. I was great until the last trimester and had it then with all three. Never mind, the wait is worth it....I think....though if you could just start the process with grandchildren it might be even


You are going to be a great mum. Just you wait and see.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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hey vicky:


morning sickness is nothing compared to all other fun stuff with raising child, but I have been told it's all worth it while playing with yur grndchildren. seriosly vicky nausea will go away & there is no price tag on having child. it's all worth it.




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My morning sickness with my daughter would "hit" mid-afternoon. I took the suggestion to nibble on crackers and it helped bunches. My "ickies" went into 2nd trimester and there were certain foods that set me over the edge completely - to this day I can't eat them (my kiddo is 15). It will get better and you will put this behind you when you hold that darling for the first time.

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Hi Vicky and congratulations on the pregnancy! As much as I hate to say this, I was sick 24/7 from the day I conceived until the day I delivered. The sight and smell of raw meat made me sick, the smell of fresh fruit and other produce made me sick. Eating anything at all was pretty much out of the question because that too made me sick. I only gained 12 pounds while I was pregnant and after a while I was so anemic that my iron level wouldn't even register on their machines. There was nothing they could do to help me except have Jim try to talk me into eating and hope that I could keep it down for the sake of the baby. That being said, when they put that beautiful tiny baby boy ( who was born a bit early but was sooo healthy) in my arms, I forgot all the misery and would gladly have done the whole thing over again if I could have. Your precious little miracle is going to make all this seem like nothing. And, just so you know, the doctors said a woman like me comes along once every 10 years so I'm pretty sure your sickness is just a passing phase. You are going to be a wonderful mother and if you need a baby sitter just give me a call!


Betty Jean

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Congrats! How thrilling! Like Donna, I did the cracker thing, they do suggest it to help morning/all-day sickness. Saltines work great, I kept some by my nightstand so they were there when I woke up. Fortunately my sickness did not last to long during both pregnancies. But the first one the smell of coffee and cooked meat made me ill as well as baked potato..weird. But on both I craved coke-flavored slurpies from 7-11 and Dairy Queen milk ice cream with marshmellow topping. I had to have them at least 3 times a week..weird. My second daughter was a miracle, I delivered her by emergency c-section at the end of my 5th month and she was 1 pound, 2 ounces at birth.She is visually impaired, behind abit mentally, on seizure meds but what a joy she is, such a happy girl. Her name is Savannah Josephine (teachers call her Savannah Jo) and my oldest daughter is named Ashton Marie. You have great days and memories to look forward to. Good Luck!

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