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a good thanksgiving



well, i too enjoyed the day. we went to my new inlaws for dinner. she had prepared a feast. she had her steps kids and their families there, so i got to meet them all. of coarse dawson was there too, so we had to catch up. he was all over us as soon as we walked in then he went outside to play with his buddies. dallas, gonzo and dakota. a lab, retriever and pappion (sp?). we ate while hubby watched his cowboys win another one, woohoo. that made a much better day when they win. i ate so much i couldn't eat dessert, so she sent a pecan pie home with me plus leftovers. i called my neuro for a appointment, the soonest he had was for january10th, a very busy man but thats ok, i will try and work on my ankle getting stronger until i see him. i think my hubby is wanting to have a garage sale so now we will be working on getting ready for it. my helper tracy is a huge help so she is helping us, there is alot of stuff to get rid of, esp, in the attic. i aint climbing up there not that i could anyway,lol so that is the project of the month. matt is through with his 1st semester of nursing school and is in the top of his class he thinks. at first it all was overwhelming but now he understands it all and it makes sense. so now for the 2nd semester. i am so proud of him. i hope to start decorating for Christmas soon. as soon as the spiders have been eradicated from the storage shed. we have alot of black widows out here. don't need a bite from one of those. the Christmas stuff is in the shed. poor hubby another job for him. tracy is scared to death of spiders, so shes not gonna go in there, lol. she cracks me up when she sees one. lol well i'd better close and go clean up the kitchen. i hope everyone has a great week. so be safe and well.


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Glad to hear your Thanksgiving went well and that you received lovins from your lil buddy Dawson. On Thanksgiving Eve, my Auntie's apartment was visited by numerous teeny tiny spiders (we think their nest got disturbed in the basement when my cousins brought up Christmas decorations. Fortunately, they were not dangerous ones, just annoying. Good luck on the garage sale.

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hey kimmie:


glad you had great thanksgiving day with friends and family. & good luck with your winter cleaning,garage sale




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glad to hear you had a good and filling thanksgiving and got to visit with all your furry friends. it is sooooooo cool about matt - i would be shouting it from the roof tops - in a manner of speaking. it is just so wonderful when our children have successes - life is so tough at times and we want them to do well.

i am thrilled to hear you are going to decorate for christmas - it always lifts my spirits. as far as the garage sale goes, i hope you make lots of money! my motto is: if i have not used it in a year i don't need it. cheers! kathy

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