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The "furballs" adjusting, family cheer



Yes, my "furballs" are slowly adjusting to one another. Lili follows Crystal EVERYWHERE she goes. Lili will torment her bigger sister to the point that Crystal has slugged her a few times. - claws have not appeared. Lili though comes back for more and more. We do remind Crystal that Lili IS a baby and be gentle with her. Crystal is becoming more loving - jealousy lol I'm sure. Their relationship is like that of Garfield and Odie but the line from Crystal is :Thats-Funneh: "dumb dumb cat".


On to family cheer.......


On Friday, we attended my Brother's 8th Annual Christmas Party for family and friends. This was first time we got to attend due to being out of state. The party was planned to start at 5 pm. My niece picked us up earlier in order for me to get in safe and sound before everyone started piling in. As the steps going into the rented hall had railings, I was able to climb up of my own accord. Bro was waiting at the top of the steps if he was needed. We did take the w/c for my overall safety as it WAS crowded (300 people). I was unsure how I'd do with the mass of people and the overwhelming noise levels. I could not go "off" by myself anywhere. It seemed though that Kristi had "radar" tuned in as she'd appear and talk and sit with me. Cousins on my side of family plus close friends were there as well.


The hall was decorated nicely for Christmas. the DJ was terrific (fella Joe has used for a number of years). During dinner he played Christmas songs and slowly integrated other genre. Food was out of this world (prepared by a gal who owns a local tavern). There was an open bar :Cheers: ...Joe always ensures the behavior of the adults as there are children also included in the invite list.


Yes, I did partake in alcohol...had 2 Hurricanes (which had been prepared prior to party). Being served over ice helped to water them down for me as I am not used to partaking.


There were door prizes consisting of musical Christmas Santas, snowmen, reindeer and dogs. Kristi won a Santa that moves to the song "Lollipop".


We all received necklaces made up like strands of Christmas Lights as well as antlers to wear.


Around 10 pm, the dancing began :Dance: . I danced in my chair to favorite songs and...since it was noisy....I sang along since no one could hear me lol. At one point the DJ announced it was time for our family to dance to our traditional songs - Family Traditions and We are Family. When the DJ played We are Family, I could not resist (plus the 2 Hurricanes gave me confidence) and I got up to join the family. My Bro and oldest nephew saw me venturing towards them. Bro came forward and got a hold of me and we danced and sang. When Kristi realized I was up there dancing with her Uncle she hooted and hollered. Camera flashes were popping everywhere. My youngest nephew's girlfriend (who was "quite happy" and feeling no pain), thought we should do the bump. Thankfully my Bro was right there or I would've have plopped on the floor. After being reminded of the potential danger she was more cautious.

By the end of the dance (DJ played the extended version of the song) I was ready to sit down.


At midnight we sang Happy Birthday to my Bro as 12-1 was his birthday. My oldest nephew drove us home at 12:30 and saw that I got into the house safely.


I was a happily exhausted and recuperated all day yesterday (Saturday)


Since then...my dear child has thanked me for moving us back here. She now understands and realizes the importance of family love and support. She told me of what occurred between her and my oldest nephew (I missed this). Billy walked up to her, gave her a huge hug and kiss on the forehead and told her he loved her. Wish someone would have got that on film. Though a camera did catch him trying to rein-act when he held her as a baby at her Christening. :giggle:


The Christmas 2007 party was declared a HUGE success. Next celebration sponsored by my Bro will be St Patrick's Day 2008 :yay: .


Recommended Comments

Donna - dancing - way to go! This is such an uplifting blog. Family and food and fun, the way Christmas gets us together is so great!


You gotta watch those cousins - Kristi is a beautiful young lady and ALL the boys will notice that. Tell her to keep her relationships light and happy and she will be fine.


The cats antics will bring you a lot of laughs. Lili may look small now but she is young and quick and Crystal had better keep it nice or look out! We had two cats together for a while and it is like watching family interactions.


Go on enjoying your family reunions and sharing them with us.



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Wow what a great time... I can picture your family together and having a great time dancing.I do miss family gatherings.. (big ones like that). But so enjoy the little ones we have. I AM SOOOO HAPPY Kristi is happy about the move and how much she is getting to know and enjoy cousins, Aunts, Uncles etc.With 5 active dogs (Tasha our old girl is not so active now, ) we have some antics and squabbles here... No biting, just grumbles and growls... one minute grumbling, turn around and they are playing. Everyone has to have their "pecking" order, but when Mom says.. That's Enough" they back off. LOLEnjoy, make merry and have fun... :)

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Guest lwisman




Glad to hear you had a good time at your brother's party. Parties can be difficult for us stroke survivors. :D


Can't decide if I should feel sorrier for Crystal or Lilli. I'm sure they will work it out between them.

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I am so happy for you and Kristi. for all 14 years Kristi just had you now she has the whole big family, I wish I could be fly on the wall for your family party. your family is worth moving 2000 miles.




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your blog put me in the holiday spirit! as i read on i could visualize the whole family shindig! you go girl with :happydance: dancing and :cocktail: drinking hurricanes. what will be reading when you get your chair? kristi will have to give you a curfew. i am pleased the move has been so positive for you both. kristi is at an age where such things can be tough. you have yourself a darling daughter and what sounds like a close family. i am so happy for you. :cheer:

those kittys are a treat - lili is a cutie - glad they are getting used to one another. cheers! kathy

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donna, i couldn't be any happier for you. you boogied too, this move is what you needed to be back with people who love you and kristi. even though i miss you terribly. sounds like you had a great time at the party. even with the spirits, awww what the heck, you haven't done this in 13yrs. sounds like the cats are doing well together. i can see your happiness in your blogs. you go girlfriend. lili is adorable too.

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