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One year survivor yesterday, still here!



Am pleased to say I have survived one year from my stroke as of yesterday. Looking back on it, an experience I don't want to repeat, but I did learn some things about myself and Lesley. I am thankful that a few more neurons did not die, it could have been much worse, as many of you surely know. I still have deficits I would prefer not to have, but have learned to adapt and appreciate every day of life to the fullest. Had I been told a year ago that I would be where I am now as far as being able to do the things I want to do, I probably would not have believed it.


No more snow as of yet, but cold! We have not been above 15 degrees in over a week, most days (including today) we have not gotten to 10 degrees, saw -21 last night. Normal temps for late January, but early this year.


We did order an new ATV for snow plowing the driveway, it should be here next week. Lesley and I decided we needed one, the last snow took me 10 hours and two days of work to clear, a twisted left knee, sore arms and shoulders, dr says I will be OK. but time to ease off the heavy work a bit. He said the good (right) knee is loose, and at risk of easy damage. I have also noticed the bad hand and foot (left side) get cold fairly easily. We wanted an ATV anyway, this gives us a great excuse to get it. We got a two rider model so we can ride together. Hope it comes in soon, more snow is coming.


We will likely make bread next week sometime, Lesley spent two hours shoveling snow around the oven and made paths around the house while I was clearing the driveway. She also raked the snow off the roof of the house and shoveled the deck. A worker she is indeed.


Time to go now, y'all come on up (in the summer!) for some fresh bread!


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BRRRR glad you have an ATV on the way to help with clearing. John has a tactor with a front blade. It's funny in summer the little grade up the drive doesn't seem like much.. but with snow/ice on it can be quite a challenge, and there are fairly deep ditches on each side. We had a light dusting of snow this am. Some years we don;t get any until after Christnas. I notice my left/affected side gets much colder than the right. Take care and be safe... warm bread and a glass of cold milk on a chilly day sounds wonderul :)

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Congratulations on the one-year mark George!!! Your recovery has gone well....my sincere hopes are with you for continued progress.


Yes, warm bread sounds great - especially topped with peanut butter :Munch:

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congratulations on your first anniversary. first year is the hardest and yo dealt with lot of maturity and grace. you indeed have great worker in lesley. I might take you up for your warm bread offer.




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Guest lwisman


Congrats George,


The first year anniversary is a real mile stone. Here's to many more!! And, of course, continued improvement.


Wow, it sure sounds cold at your house. We are in the 20s here (Chicago suburbs) and we have lots of ice. I am definitely staying inside. My nephew who lives in SE Kansas called yesterday to say they not only had an ice storm, but had no electricity. This is a very bad time of year to lose electricity. Paper today said 130,000 without electricity in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas and Illinois. I am counting my blessings.


Take care and find a great way to celebrate your first stroke anniversary.

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