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She Graduated !!!



It's -25 here right now, and it's been a cold and busy week. I hurt myself getting in the car after someone parked too close to the drivers side, even though I was parked in a handicap parking spot with my sign showing. You'd think people would be smarter, or am I hoping for too much? I still hurt (strained muscle) even though it's been since Saturday, but it seems to be getting better.


The big news is that my neice Joanna graduated from depot, she's now a full RCMP officer, and Daniel

(my son) was offered the Chef job at work (which he took, now he's the boss), been a heady week. We had a big party for Joanna on Sunday, family and friends. her dad was flying high, we're all so proud of her. Daniel showed up, and the two of them congradulated each other with a toast, and some food, another toast, they're only 3 years apart so they get along really well. That's it for this week so far, Christmas isn't far off so I'm sure I'll be back bloggin.



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Congratulations to your son & niece! That's wonderful.


As to the idiot who parked on top of your car.....I sincerely hope the person didn't do so deliberately.

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stu, thats great news about your niece and son. i once worked for a orthopedic doctor who made a note up to put on people's cars when the parked to close to him . he also passed it on to his patients to use, since most of them used crutches, canes etc. the note read

THANKYOU IDIOT FOR PARKING SO CLOSE, WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAVE ME A CANOPENER TO GET OUT. just thought i would pass this on to you. lol i hope you feel much better soon.

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hi stu,

ah, there is nothing quite as wonderful as happy news! it is so great when we see our children - and neices - succeed. congratulations! i hope you are feeling less bruised - people can be so inconsiderate at times. morons actually. i think you should take a sound machine with you when you go out - give them a great big HEE HAW!. kathy

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