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When I get to the end of the day I'll be able to fall asleep to my favorite show... "Project Runway". It doesn't come on til 10pm and, as hard as I try I can never stay awake throught the whole thing. But I make a valiant effort every week.


I'm not complaining. I love my life right now. Joey will become independent again in time. Even if he doesn't I love being able to be a part of his recovery. Through even the worst days I've been able to see evidence of the hand of a loving God in everything that happens.


So, today like every day, I got up early. First thing I do is pray. I'm not religious but I don't think God cares. I've finally learned that when I try to manage my own life it's not worth living.


I said good-bye to my significant other when he left for work. He's a good man...I've had more passion in my life but I've never had more stability. He loves me and my dysfunctional off-spring. We're happy.


I'll get Joey up in a few minutes and give him his meds. He has a swallow test today. Pass or not he's been eating and doesn't intend to stop so we're going out for a big breakfast afterwards to celebrate. That's his idea. Any excuse to celebrate. We have lots to be grateful for. Then he goes to therapy. He's being evaluated by the Foundation for the Blind for a guide-dog. He's so excited about that.


And while he's at therapy I'm going Christmas shopping. Gotta fit that in.


I'll pick Joey up at 3pm, fix dinner, clean house, go to a meeting, check tomorrow's calendar and try to stay up for Project Runway. I'll fall asleep.


That's okay, though, because tomorrow is Thursday and I love "My Name is Earl".


I never had it so good.


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hey Lorrie:


your Joey is lucky to have you as his mom, post stroke I realized one thing there are no bad events in life, from all events in life there is lesson to be learnt and grow spiritually. we don't have control of our life, all we can do is do the best in that situation, bad things do happen, but that comes with great opportunity, I know my stroke brought out lot of good things in my life, it made my marriage rock solid, and made me better mom.


It is good that you have loving partner after what you have gone through in life, tell Joey to make best out of his situation. nothing remains same permanant, my new mantra is everything changes, good and bad times they all go.



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Lives post stroke are definitely not boring, which is a good thing. Your love for Joey shines through your words. I hope Joey is able to qualify for a guide dog.


I'm so happy for you that you have a supportive partner as well and are not facing each day without "live" love and support.

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