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The end of my list



I don't think I can come up with 100 things, but here goes.


1. I was born in 1933, in the middle of the Depression.

2. I have an older brother and sister, and 2 younger brothers and 1 sister.

3. We are all still among the living.

4. I have been married for 51+ years to the same wonderful man.

5. I got it right the first time.

6. I gave birth to four children, two of each.

7. I have one beautiful granddaughter, 21, and three cute grandsons, ages 8, 7 and 5.

8. I have been adopted by a cat named Fred.

9 I had my stroke on 1/11/05. I joined StrokeNet in February of 2006.

10. I use a wheelchair to get around.

11. I type with one hand.

12. I am quite computer literate considering my age.

13. I am not superstitious.

14. My philosophy is to live and let live.

15. I hate gossip.

16. I prefer classical music.

17. I saw Phantom of the Opera in London in 1993.

18. My favorite classical piece is "Clare de Lune".

19. I like anything that Andrew Lloyd Webber has written.

20. I am content with my life.

21. I worked as a secretary before I was married and I was good at my job.

22. I learned how to type on a manual typewriter .

23. I didn't use an electric typewriter until 1969.

24. I love computers.

25. I could take shorthand at 100 wpm and transcribe accurately.

26. My favorite dessert is lemon meringue pie.

27. I have been to Alaska twice and cruised back the second time.

28. I have been to Germany twice - in 1983 on my 50th birthday and in 1993.

29. I have never been to Hawaii, but always wanted to go.

30. My husband didn't want to go.

31. I like to read Grisham and Baldacci mysteries.

32. Right now I am reading "Power to the People" by Laura Ingraham.

33. I don't watch much TV.

34. I watch Jeopardy everyday,

35. I can get some of the questions right.

36. My parents were born in Russia, but they are of German ethnicity.

37. My Dad had no formal education and never learned how to read.

38. My mother had a fourth grade education.

39. I was the first of my siblings to graduate from high school. My favorite subject was American History.

40. My husband graduated from Colorado A&M which is now Colorado State University.

41. Three of our four children have college degrees.

42. Our oldest son, Keith, is a computer technician in Florida.

43. Our oldest daughter, Sharon, teaches fourth grade at a Catholic school in Missouri.

44. Our other son, Kevin, has a degree in Ag Economics and works for an ag co-op in Colorado.

45. Our youngest daughter is a Nurse Practitioner in Eastern Nebraska.

46. Keith is divorced and has no children.

47. Sharon is married and they adopted Brandon last Spring. She also has three step-children and 7 step-grandchildren,

with two more on the way.


48. Kevin is married and has two boys, Brett and Brody. He and Tami are building a home in the country.

49. Stephanie is single and is mother to Ashley.

50. Ashley is a junior in college. She wants to be a middle school math teacher. Her uncle was a middle school math

teacher so I guess she inherited the math gene.


51. Paul was the youngest of eight - his Mom was 44 when he was born. He has one sister still living. She will be 96 in

February. His Aunt Emma lived to be 102 years old.


52. Aunt Emma was a nurse during WWI. President Reagan presented her with a special medal and we have a picture of

them taken at the Reagan Library.


53. I have never smoked pot, but some of my kids may have.

54. I consider myself to be kind and generous, but sometimes I open my mouth before I put the brain in gear.

55. I can admit when I am wrong, but that doesn't happen often.. :lol:

56. I have a wonderful caregiver named Misti. She comes in 5 days a week and helps me bathe and dress.

57. Paul has had to learn how to cook and shop for groceries since my stroke. He is doing a good job.

58. I am a member of the Methodist church.

59. I have done tons of Bible studies.

60. Before the stroke, I was an avid quilter.

61. I liked yard work.

62. I was a cheerleader in high school.

63. I was a in a beauty pageant when I was 19. I didn't win. :rolleyes:

64. I am almost always in a good mood. When I am not, look out. :Tantrum:

65. I don't like hot weather - I prefer cool.

66. Paul and I took an Amtrak trip to Florida in April, 2005. We had a compartment and I slept in the upper bed, I could

never do it now.

67. I'm stuck.

68. When I was 19, I lost control of a car (speeding) and rolled several times and suffered only minor injuries. Miraculous. I got the message.

69. My first name is Violet and my friends call me Vi.

70. We didn't have indoor plumbing until 1949 when I was 16 years old.

71. We didn't have electricity until we moved to town in 1940.

72. I have never had music lessons, but I love music. (Who doesn't?)

73. I loved to dance and could do a pretty mean jitterbug.

74. Being of German descent, I could polka with the best of them.

75. I never learned to speak German because my parents insisted on speaking English and I didn't push it.

76. My kids thought I was a mean mother, but now they thank me.

77. I worked in the sugar beet fields with my parents.

78. I wish I could sing like Sarah Brightman

79. I used to sew my own and my kids clothes.

80. I was in 4H when I was a kid.

81. I learned to sew on my mother's treadle sewing machine.

82. I was held back in kindergarten.

83. I skipped the fifth grade and got caught up.

84. We moved to Sanger, California when I was in fourth grade. That is when I skipped the fifth grade.

85. We were there about a year and a half and moved back to Nebraska and by then I was in the sixth grade.

86. I disturbed a wasp's nest when I was about 6 years old and was stung many times. I am now petrified of wasps.

87. I am athletically challenged. I have bowled and I could hit the softball when I was a kid. Otherwise, I would rather watch sports.


88. I always kept my kitchen very organized. Now I don't know where anything is.

89. I even alphabetized my spices. LOL

90. I have a warped sense of humor.

91. I have never had a birthday party. I made sure my kids had a few as they were growing up.

92. I never learned how to swim, but I made sure my kids learned.

93. I worked in a flower shop (part-time) for a few years. Loved the job. Learned how to make those pretty bows.

94. My favorite Christmas CD is by Mannheim Steamroller. Their rendition of "Silent Night" brings tears to my eyes.

95. When we were in Berlin in 1993, I picked up a small piece of the wall. The difference between East Berlin and West Berlin at that time was unbelievable.

96. I like to play bridge.

97. I like backgammon.

98. I like scrabble.

99. I am getting better at solving the daily sudoku in our paper.

100. I'm finished - HOORAY.


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vi, i love your name, i wasnt sure if it was short for vivian or victoria, now i know. you have had great travels of the world. you have a wonderful family. thanks for sharing this with us and keep adding as you think of them.

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please keep adding. i too wish i could sing like sarah brightman. i have always wanted to go to alaska - and you have been twice! lucky you. i made it to hawaii - you have to get hubby to go. thanks for sharing! kathy

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once list is done then u get itch of so many things you fotgot to write in your list, great list, know you better now




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