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100 things about me............



:hiya: :Ask: 100 things about me - well.......

1) I was almost born on April Fool's Day (missed it by 1/2 hour) - I popped out 3-31-54.

2) I was hoped to be a boy- my name was to be Donald Eugene (Eugene after my Dad's middle name). Instead, my middle name is Jean.

3) I was raised an only child...found out as a teen that I had a Brother (we have different Dads)

4) As a child we always had a dog - most memorable was Pierre Bouquet II - small miniature apricot poodle. He was 15 years old when he


5) My first boyfriend was Dave - the boy next door(I was 13, he was 14). He taught me how to swim and a few other things - broke my

heart when he and his parents moved out of state

6) My parents divorced when I was 18 and attending business school. Oh...I was straight A student.

7) My Dad and I disagreed on my future...I wanted to enlist in Navy and become a Registered Nurse. Instead, I went to business school

and worked as a secretary for many years.

8) My Dad was a stubborn German...life was his way....I was always told I was insulting his intelligence when I attempted to disagree with


9) I am a 2-time survivor of Domestic Violence. I spent 9 years with 1st abuser (Charlie) but no kids. I was a once-upon-a-time stepmom

to his 2 sons. I was a virgin when I met him.

10) At age 29 I was single and having a blast for first time in my life.

11) I was a Pennsylvania State Certified EMT/Paramedic with a volunteer ambulance corps.

12) Career change occurred when I was in early 30's - tried to find a niche....ended up finding 2nd abuser (Karl - thank heavens we never


13) At age 38, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. Labor was 22 1/2 hours - stinker took her time in coming out.

14) When kiddo was 8 months old, my Dad passed away from colon cancer

15) I began taking college classes at local community college - wanted to pursue becoming an RN.

16) When kiddo was just turning 2 years old, we relocated to Arizona to get away from the abusive father. My mother and Stepfather were

living in Arizona.

17) I continued to attend college classes in AZ - ultimately received AA/Chemical Dependency Counseling and a BA/Psychology as I could

not get into the nursing program at my school (there were 500 applicants for 50 openings. After 3 rejections I changed my direction.

18) When kiddo was 3 years old, my Stepfather passed...he had ALS (very sad time).

19) As I received my degree in CD Counseling, I completed 2 internships as part of schooling...1 was with a rehab facility for women, the

other was with the AZ Department of Juvenile Corrections.

20) My internship with Juvenile Corrections lead to employment with a nonprofit agency that worked with at-risk juveniles and also with

families involved with CPS.

21) I worked my way up in the company to become a Program Director of the Parent Aid Program.

22) While I worked, I was single Mom and full-time college student

23) My Mother and I were never close as I was growing up. After my Stepfather passed the relationship slid more downhill. After 1-1-05,

it became even worse.

24) I was engaged to a fella named Bob. We broke up when I developed some female plumbing problems.

25) At 49 yrs old I had a complete hysterectomy

26) After 8 years with the non-profit agency, I resigned before I suffered a heart attack. I was working 7 days a week - my daughter saw

me most when she went to the office with me evenings and weekends.

26) For less than 4 months (prior to 1-1-05) I was happily employed with AZ of Child Protective Services as an Investigative Worker.

27) After 13 years living in AZ, my daughter, our kitty, Crystal, and I relocated to Pittsburgh, PA to be closer to family.

28) My nephew Billy is our landlord as we moved into a home he renovated.

29) Our current home is over 100 years old..we have a ghost, Maryanne, and her kitty ghost, Tink. We feel they watch over us.

30) It's wonderful being with family again..we have my Bro, Joe, and his grown children, My Aunt Char (Dad's Sister) and her grown

children and their families.


Note: I started out working on this in chronological order but there were things I forgot to add or wasn't sure where to place them so.......


31) I am the youngest of 4 children my mother had. I had a Sister put up for adoption when my mother was 16. Then there is my Bro who

is 4 years older than me. When my mother was 4 months pregnant with me, my Sister Vicky died of a blood disorder. There was a

genetic disorder inherited from her father. All 4 of us had different fathers.

32) When I was born, I was quite sickly. I spent a lot of time as a patient in Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. At one time I was in coma

from a high fever. I still have tiny scar on my forehead from an IV.

33) I was born with my hip socket nor properly formed. I had to wear a special brace and did not walk until I was 3 years of age.

34) I was born and raised mostly in Pittsburgh area but did live with my parents in Wheeling, WV and Johnstown, PA due to my Dad's


35) When I graduated from High School in 1972 it was the 9th school I had attended - we moved around.

36) In high school I wore hip hugger bell bottoms, Nehru style tops, and fishnet stockings.

37) Once I left for school in the morning, I'd roll the waist band of my skirts so the length would be shorter (just fitting in with the style)

38) As a child, I was overweight, then slimmed down when I started menstrual cycle.

39) As a teen my favorite music groups were the Beatles, the Monkeys, Tommy James and the Shondells and Diana Ross & the Supremes

40) Before I went "steady" with my first boyfriend Dave, I had a crush on his older friend Chris.

41) When Dave and I went steady (for a few years) I wore a silver ring of his with the band wrapped in yarn so it would fit.

42) I attended my Senior Prom with a friend of my Brother.

43) My first car was a pale yellow VW Bug, stick shift

44) My 2nd car was my most loved - '69 metallic blue Mustang w/black vinyl roof and black interior.

45) I was Christened Catholic as my Dad and his family requested; my Mother is Protestant. As a child I rarely went to church...my

Dad went to StMattresstohearFatherPillowpreach.

46) Growing up we went on one family vacation to Atlantic City - my Dad preferred porchville for vacations

47) My favorite color has ALWAYS been blue

48) As an adult I went to Catholic church and had my daughter Christened Catholic

49) We have not attended church regularly though past 5 years as there were issues within the Church that deterred us.

50) I still Believe and worship from my home.

51) I did smoke pot 2 times and hated it.

52) I love music and wished I could still dance like I used to.

53) Christmas is my favorite holiday and always has been

54) I still Believe in Santa.....He lives in my heart.

55) Favorite Christmas song is by Alabama...Santa I Believe in You (refer to #54)

56) All time favorite movie is Gone With the Wind

57) All time favorite book is Gone With the Wind

58) Have read the book and watched the movie so many times I know the dialogue

59) I love the Civil War era

60) I once spent 4 days in Gettysburg with my stepson Jeff touring just about every inch of battlefield

61) When I was married to Charlie, we were Amway Distributors

62) When married visited Niagara Falls, Cedar Point/Ohio, Sea world/Ohio,

63) Used to love riding roller coasters

64) Love to read - Danielle Steel favorite author - but also love murder mysteries and romance novels

65) Listen to Country Western and Oldies radio stations except at Christmas - then listen to continuous Christmas Station

66) I do smoke - I enjoy it

67) On occasion I will drink alcohol - like mild drinks

68) Used to go dancing with my one cousin every weekend

69) Have always loved the Pittsburgh Steelers (no duh)

70) I love surfing the Internet

71) Until last year I refused to use anything but dial-up to connect to Internet as I was too frugal

72) Favorite tv show is ER

73) I am a people person

74) In kindergarten I got in trouble for being a "social butterfly" in class

75) Until 9th grade I had straight D's in math - had turnaround in 9th grade as math teacher was cute

76) In High School I was in many clubs including National Honor Society

77) In college years had no lower than 3.8 G.P.A.

78) Was a Cheer Coach when my daughter was involved with Arizona Competitive Youth Football League

79) Due to cheer involvement, spent 3 Thanksgivings in Las Vegas at competitions for football team and cheerleaders

80) Was never athletic

81) Had one broken bone - little finger right hand (me, a girl, and a basketball collided in Gym class)

82) have had 2 car accidents - neither my fault

83) Never received a traffic violation

84) Love animals - would like to have a dog but adore my two "girls" Crystal and our newest addition Lili

85) Accidentally killed Kiddo's Beta fish when I gave aquarium and tubing good cleaning with Bleach

86) Other pets included hamsters and a guinea pig

87) Favorite foods are Italian

88) Won't eat spinach, liver, or unbreaded (naked) fish except tuna

89) I am somewhat superstitious

90) I believe in reincarnation and feel in a former life I was a klutzy southern belle and died when I tripped in my hoop skirt and fell down

the steps

91) First saw Gone With the Wind on a High School field trip

92) When I went on school field trips I always would buy a toy to bring home to Pierre

93) I collect Angels

94) I also collect Gone With the Wind memorabilia

95) I love to play practical jokes

96) I love Venison but could never ever look into those big brown eyes and kill a deer

97) One time a deer ran in front my hubby's car while I was driving, she was followed by the fawn who ran into side of car and died from

a broken neck. I was hysterical.

98) When I was EMT, was on a call where a young man killed his family by shooting them

99) Always wanted to deliver a baby in the ambulance but never happened

100) Would like to remarry some day should right gentleman come along


I did it!!! :Clap-Hands:


Recommended Comments

Guest lwisman


That is a great list Donna. The one about fishnet stockings made me laugh. They did not look good on hardly anyone, but I do remember when they were fashionable. :D

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great list, my sister wore bellbottoms and I wore it too for few times before mom stiched it as skirt.




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I guess we must be almost the same age. I wore fishnet stockings in 6th grade too. As I tell my kids "back in the Dark Ages". I'm sorry you suffered domestic abuse twice, it takes a very strong person to rise above it. But we all knew you were strong, you're a stroke survivor!


Great list BTW

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donna - great list and interesting life. thanks for sharing so i can know you better. :santasmiley: kathy

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donna, what a great list, i knew you were special, i just didn't know how soecial you are. you cracked me up with the southern bell tripping over her hoop skirt. we do have alot in common. since you have done your list, i guess i need to start mine. thankyou for sharing so many things with us.

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