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driving part 2..botox



Well in reference to my last blog... I called the medical review board at Raleigh to schedule a hearing because I never heard back from them after the neurologist filled out my medical evaluation. It just so happens that the board couldn't even make a decision because the neurologist forgot to send the last page of the evaluation which includes his signature. Atfirst I was happy because I thought yay this means I wasen't denied again. but then i came back to reality and remembered well I also wasen't approved neither. So yesterday I got the last sheet in the mail. My only problem now is I have to get to the neurologist in the next 30 days BUT he's booked for the next month already and the last page along with the notice is dated September 17th. So the best I can do (according to the receptionist) is try to get by the neurologist's office before christmas during his lunchbreak and see if he will fill out the papers really quick. If only whoever mailed the evaluation wouldn't have forgot that last page, I would not have this run around. It's just not meant for me to drive!


And to those who are telling me to wait on driving, I really cant. I get so depressed having to wait and be an inconvenience on family and friends all the time! I am 18 now. I don't just want to drive so I can party and go to the mall all the time. I have to get to the store off campus sometimes, I have so many doctor appointments. My dad gets upset when he has to take off work all the time to take me places and get my brother to work. I still feel like a 12 year old going places with my mom and dad except now I have to spend my own money. They're always in my business and since I have to ride with them everytime I need to go somewhere, they still treat me like a child and not a grown woman handling business.


Today I seen my pain management doctor again. I am already on the baclofen but now he is suggesting I take botox. My nosey overprotective scared dad doesn't want me to take it but i don't care. Im grown. He's not allowed to come in my appointments because i am grown therefore he doesnt have any say so in what I do. I am willing to try anything that can help me in any way and I truly believe my hand would feel better with a combination of the baclofen, botox, and OT. Anyway sorry this is so long


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I can totally empathize with you about feeling like a burden to others when they have to drive you. There should be medical transportation within your area. You should check into it. I know you really want to drive...but consider this also: the upkeep of the vehicle...you say you have to pay for everything....think of gas, insurance, maintenance. It's not cheap to operate a car, especially with today's rising costs.


Good for you in making your own medical decisions - You go Girl!!!!


Are you on break now? How'd your finals go?

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I symphesize withyour driving situation, I know I was down in dumpsters till got my driving back. BTW botox is good it does relaxes your hand, but it's temporary fix not permanant, but no harm in trying.




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it is tough not being able to drive. i just started driving recently and then i drive only when i am feeling tip top. i never go on busy streets and have not ventured further than 7 or 8 miles from home. i am so sorry that you feel a burden to your family - i do not think you are alone iwith those thoughts. just remember it gets better.

give the botox a try. it worked well for me! i get it about every 3-4 months. it takes 5 minutes and then you are good to go. kathy

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katrina, i know how anxious you must be to be able to drive again. but all good things come to those who wait. i would check into donna's suggestion about looking into medical transportation there. and as donna said a car is expensive to maintain. but as you said you are 18 and a adult now so hopefully you will find a solution that is good for you. i would give the botox a try. good luck on whatever you decide.

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I recall from my days in college a thriving economy in ride sharing for those without cars. I know you would much prefer your own independence of driving but this might help you to get around with out feeling it is a burden on somebody. Good luck and keep posting.



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