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my 100



1. I was born in the Midwest

2. I was raised in Colorado

3. I have one sister and one brother

4. my sister is my best friend

5. I am the first born child

6. my father is a Lutheran minister

7. I am not religious but consider myself a spiritual person

8. I respect what other people believe

9. My middle name is grace(ha ha)

10. I fell off a ladder when cleaning my house and broke my leg and knee

11. I have been married more than once

12. I have two step children I adore

13. I have one grandson who is a delight

14. I have two cats and a dog

15. I love the sound my dog makes when drinking from her water dish

16. my cats have me well trained

17. all my pets were rescued

18. I was in the navy for 4 years

19. my rank was petty officer 2nd class when I left

20. I was an aircraft mechanic in the navy on F14s

21. I got hit on the head while in the navy and knocked out with a propeller being repaired (1st head injury)

22. I was in the reserves for three years after my enlistment

23. I used the GI bill to go to college

24. I got my degree in social work

25. before college and the navy I worked as a house cleaner, waitress, made donuts and a bank teller

26. I was when I got my first job with A&W root beer as a carhop

27. my husband was a English teacher for 32 years at our local community college

28. I often wish I had been a teacher

29. I worked with children and families for 20 years in MA

30. I worked as a health inspector in Florida for three years

31. I was tying my shoes when I had my stroke

32. I like things tidy

33. I love lists

34. I do not feel comfortable around negative people

35. my sister and I talk every day on the phone

36. I do not like knick knacks

37. I do not like crowds

38. I have grown fond of TV since my stroke

39. I love detective shows

40. I shun medical drama

41. I love books

42. I just finished the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon

43. my favorite poet is Emily Dickinson

44. I have to read at night before I can fall asleep

45. I am pro-choice

46. I have an extensive collection of cool beach glass

47. I have socks for every event and holiday

48. I do not like to shop

49. my car is 13 years old and that is cool with me

50. I am a poor cook

51. I love the ocean and the variety of color in the water

52. I like to walk on the beach

53. I love sunsets when the evening air is soft

54. I am known for my goofy sense of humor

55. my favorite clothes are sneakers,T-shirts and jeans

56. I never take a bath


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