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sad and happy



well my happiness outshines my sadness this time. which is a good thing, i think. my happiness comes from my oldest son is coming here for christmas and will be here this coming saturday with his best friend maddie, his doberman. woohoo another pet to spoil, like dawson was. i can't wait to see them both. when i visted him 2 years ago, his girlfriend had 5 dogs she rescued, so i was surrounded with love. i had so much company during the day while they worked. from small ones to a great dane. i was in heaven. plus her 3 cats. i also got my tree up and the house decorated for christmas with the help of my helper tracy. the sad news came the other day when i learned about the death of my favorite musician for over 30 years, dan fogelberg. i have loved this mans talent, his music was beautiful and well written. he was very special to me, i went to every concert when he was in town, i have every album he ever recorded, pictures, etc. that a devoted fan has. he died of prostate cancer which he discovered in 2004 that went to his bones. he fought it for 3years but lost his fight on sunday 1-16 with his wife at his side. he is no longer in pain. but i'm sad he will no longer make his beautiful music which got me through many a rough times in my life. i probably sound stupid to alot of you, but i can't help the way i feel. if none of you have heard of him or listened to his music, i urge you to. he definitely had a gift. he urged all men to get checked out for prostate cancer so they did not have to go through what he did. i still can listen to his music but he will be missed by millions. on to happier news, my shopping is done so i am ready for christmas, thank goodness. i now need to work on my 100 list and get ready to party tonight at our christmas shindig. i want to wish everyone a very merry christmas and a healthier new year. and to the men out there, please be get checked out for prostate cancer, it is a simple test. any man at 50 or older. i love all of my strokenet family. you all mean so much to me.


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Hi Kimmie,


Yes, I have heard Dan Fogelberg's music, but I don't have any of his CDs. I think I'll look for one now. Didn't he have something called "Run for the Roses" or something like that?


I just received word that my older brother has prostate cancer and he cannot have chemo because of his heart condition, so for him it is a matter of time. He will be 80 in February. I hope he doesn't suffer too much. It is just as important for men to be tested for prostate problems as it is for women to have mammograms.



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I never saw Dan Fogelberg in concert but did often hear his songs on the radio. His talent will be missed. Enjoy your visit with your son and furry "grandson".



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I'm not nearly as devoted a fan as you are but I did enjoy his music and appreciate his talent.


I'm glad you get to have your son home for Christmas and your joy is contagious. I can just feel your happy anticipation! Happy Holidays to you and your family. And best wishes for the New Year as well.




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yes vi, he did write that song after nbc asked him too for the kentucky derby. he also wrote leader of the band in tribute to his dad, which was played alot on the radio. i could talk about him for days so i better stop now. his talent was god given, i will miss him terribly as will many others. if you go to his website, you will see how much he was loved. thankyou for replying to this post. i also hope your brother does not have to suffer as he did. i will add him to my prayers.

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i did not know dan fogelberg was ill or had died. you are right - he was a talented musican - music from our era! music is such a wonderful gift - songs can bring back such happy or sad times in life or change a crumby mood to a happy one. i am sorry for your loss and it is good he left a legacy of music for you.

i amt hrilled that your got your house decorated and that your son is coming home for christmas. it is so much of what the season is so about, family and friends. relax and enjoy yourself to the maximum! kathy

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