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I went with a friend today to the doctor. Actually, I don't know her well but we have a mutual friend who recommended she call me.


Debbie just recently found out she has hepatitis C. When she had surgery recently one blood test led to another and she came out of the hospital with a new diagnosis. I thought she called me because I'm a nurse. That was one of the reasons. The biggest reason was that she was scared. I didn't know how scared until we were done talking with the doctor and she broke down crying. I get afraid too but not of doctors.


The whole thing reminded me of an incident that happened about 30 years ago. I'd married a man with a son and two daughters. My own daughter wasn't quite two years old and Annie was just seven. We'd taken a day trip and were exploring a field. My husband and I had wandered a little ways off from the kids. All of a sudden the 3 older kids came running at us screaming. A few cows were walking through and the kids got scared. Annie was out in front and screaming loudest. Then she came to a dead stop, yelled "NOOO!!!" and ran screaming back the way she'd come. She'd realized they'd left my daughter Sara.

She got to Sara before the cows did (there was no real threat) picked her up and ran her all the way to me.


Annie was still scared but she had courage enough to face her fear because it was the right thing to do in her mind. That's what Debbie was doing today. I'm not good at that. If something scares me that much I'm inclined to just not do it. Then I feel worse for being a coward. I rarely think to ask for help unless my back's against the wall. Asking for help scares me too. I'm supposed to be strong. I'm gonna make an effort to change that.


I see heroes every day and what makes them heroes to me is that thy're doing things I think I could never do. Think I'm gonna do one brave thing a day. I might feel differently about who I see in the mirror if I do.


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Get yourself a new mirror. Yours is distorted by a reflection of someone who is far too hard on herself and needs to give herself some much due credit.

You are a very courageous and admirable woman!

Maria :friends:

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You just did a brave thing by admitting that you are not brave and have a hard time with bravery. Not only by this blog entry are you showing bravery but in the face of adversity (with Joey's accident) you have stood beside him and cared for him when another mother may have run in the opposite direction (as mine did when stroke entered my life).


As far as I'm concerned the only one in our lives who is totally brave is our God. Here on earth, we work at it the best we can.


Hopefully Santa brings you a new mirror for Christmas :santasmiley:

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please don't be so hard on yourself. we all have area that we need or want to grow in. the fact that you have searched yourself and said there is a part of you want to begin to develp shows your strength! awareness and willingness to chane is the begining. be kind to yourself and do your best - that's all any of us can do. kathy

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I will agree with all the other women here, I find you most courageous woman. I too do this quite often, and reading selfhelp books made me realizes some of the good things about me, when I am always hard on myself not being better mom or better wife, I tell myself, I am enough for all these people still in my life, you are there for a reason, and all those five kids are in your care for a reason, you just need to do your best which you are doing, and rest God will take care.




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