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Gratitude List



  • I'm very healthy.
  • I'm pretty.
  • I'm lucky enough not to have to work right now.
  • I'm not a food addict.
  • I'm sober.
  • I have people in my life that love me.
  • I have people in my life that I love.
  • I don't have to ride the bus. I have a car with a heater and a CD player.
  • I'm not homeless.
  • As confused as I sometimes feel, I don't have serious mental health issues.
  • I have a phone, a computer and cable TV.
  • I know how to read and I love reading.
  • I'm never broke. I can buy almost anything I want.
  • I can give my kids anything they need.
  • Joey's voice is getting stronger all the time.
  • I got a camera for Christmas...a really fine camera.
  • Alex still calls.
  • All of my kids are alive for Christmas.
  • I have a good man in my life who loves me.
  • I was able to give nice Christmas present to the important people in my life.
  • I'm drinking really good coffee with real cream.
  • It's almost 2008 and I'm still here.
  • I finally finished my 5th step.
  • We have 5 new kittens.

  • I live in a city where everything is open 24/7.
  • I have a handful of people in my life that I could call in a crisis and they would rush to my rescue.
  • I have people who could call me and I would be able to respond.
  • I KNOW there IS a GOD who is concerned with me and want me to be happy.

  • I'm finally understanding that almost everything that happens in my life is God's will and my job is to get with the program and work with it, not try to turn it into what I think it should be.

My friend suggested I write a gratitude list. I try to take suggestions. I decided to do it here because I spend lots of time here, I can review it frequently and I can add to it as appropriate.


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Very insightful friend, great suggestion! You do have many blessings. Just as you are blessed, so are those around you to have you.

Maria :friends:

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great list, and great friend who suggested to you, I too initially when feeling low about my life post stroke and realized I still have lot to be thankful for, sometimes when we are midst of it we don't realize how some great things still exist in our life. It's wonderful to see you are surrounded by great family and friends you can still count on.

Have a very Merry Christmas and wonderful New year




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Thank you for sharing your gratitude list with us. We're grateful too....to have gotten the pleasure of meeting you. :santahat: Smart friend you have for suggesting it.



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Thanks for sharing here.. yes we all have our moments.. but it is Good to think of the things we ARE greatful for.. and to enjoy.


We are greatful for you ...here :)

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