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Out with the Old, In with the New



You know they say "fake it 'till you make it" for many attitudes. If you aren't happy - fake it 'till you make it. If you aren't grateful - fake it till you make it. If you aren't in the Christmas spirit - fake it 'till you make it. For me, it does work. As you all know, I was not ready to be jolly and put a Christmas tree with all trimmings up. Well, since that post I've put the tree up, decorated the fireplace mantel, shopped 'till I nearly dropped, baked and even sent my cards out so my friends and loved ones will get them before Christmas.


I had fun yesterday because I had just a couple of things to pick up and it really feels like Christmas to me when I get immersed in the mahem of last minute shopping. I first went to Stein Mart and was amazed at the sales. So, Bill got a couple pairs of much needed slacks, a pretty red sweater and a red mock turtle neck shirt. Oh - some new socks too! I finally found the "right" earrings for my girlfriends' gifts - no they won't get them before Christmas since they must travel to Michigan! And that last little thing for Mom Rogers, some "girly" bath items. Oh it was fun! Then I went to TARGET....you know it was crazy there! I only got the universal "You're Number ONE" sign once. And I was in such a good mood by that time all I could do is feel sorry for the young girl who felt it such an inconvenience to back give a little so I could get into the particular aisle I was trying to enter so I could park. I reflected on that incident last night and remembered the years when I was soooo stressed trying to get everything done before Christmas.


All has not been jolly this week though. Bill's blood pressure has been spiking. The therapists have refused to work with him because of it. He was seen by the nurse practitioner Tuesday and his neurologist Thursday. The nurse practitioner wanted to wait to make any changes to his bp medication, but the neurologist said to double his Norvasc from 2.5 to 5 mg each day. He also repeated the memory test he uses to determine his cognitive skills and he scored 16/30 down from 27/30 in June. Next week he goes in for and EEG to determine whether he is having some seizure activity and a doppler will follow to check for blockages. He said the CT scan did reveal more wide spread blockages in his brain in August, but no stroke activity. Bill's headaches have returned, too. He hasn't had headaches since his last stroke, but this week he's had three. They always seem to be in the same area. I check his blood pressure each time he complains and while his diastolic reading is good (70 to 80 range) his cystolic reading is always elevated (150 to 170 range). I'm glad his neurologist knows what is going on. He does give me the "knowing look". I'm also glad I'm not imagining Bill's condition is different than it had been. You know, sometimes I worry that I'm making this situation out to be worse than it really is, but I know in my heart I'm not.


So, here's to the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008 - may we all be happy and satisfied with just where we are, always ready to work for improvement!


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I'm glad that you've been able to get your preparations done, including "stuff" for yourself. So sorry to hear that Bill has had some additional issues; may God give you both the strength to deal with them.


May your Christmas be blessed.

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I am glad by faking it you were able to get into happy holidays mood, sorry about Bill's condition deteriorating, but you are blessed with stength & practicality to deal with all the issues


Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you and your whole family




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Hi Ann, Glad you got into the Holiday Spirit. I also had to do a little "push start" this year.


Glad you went to the neurologist and he understands you and works so well with you.


Hope the increased dose will help with the headaches. Is Bill drinking enough water.. sometimes with things getting busy I forget to drink more water/liquids during the day and I get a headache.


I've been keeping bottled water in the fridge.. just for convience and I can grab one and carry around with me.. and in the car. With the heat on in the house I think we "dry out" a little quicker.


MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU BOTH. and Hoping for a Better 2008..:) ((((((((hugs)))))) Bonnie

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i am glad you were able to climb out of your pre holiday slump. sounds like you really got into the swing of things and had a good time shopping. i am sorry that bill is not doing real well. glad the doctor - and you are on top of things. hope you have a great christmas! :santasmiley: kathy

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