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It's almost Christmas!!! YIPEEEEEE



Yes, it's almost here - the message board provides a continuous reminder :santahat: . We're ready, or about as ready as we can be at this stage. my previous blog was my 100 things, which helped to distract me from what had happened with the Steelers losing to the Jaguars. They redeemed themselves this past Thursday when they beat the Rams 41-24. One huge drawback was our running back Willie Parker will be out the rest of the season due to a broken fibia :stretcher: .


I've been working on the project my cousin gave us so she can compile a family memory book. My segment was almost 7 pages long. I finished mine yesterday, Kristi is still working on hers. We'll present them to Darlene Christmas Eve when we all get together.


This week I attended the first annual Strokenet "virtual" Christmas party with Host "Santa"Bob. Had a terrific time. I must say that Steve implementing the Christmas skins helped to put the icing on the cake for me in terms of giving me the holiday umph to push me over the edge in loving Christmas this year. There are little things getting to me...things that previously would have knocked we over the edge into stressville to the max....but I cannot control the actions of others. Nor am I going to let the stupid actions of others affect my health.


Tomorrow Christmas Eve Day will commence quite early as Kristi and I both have lab appointments...both for fasting blood work and me for carotid doppler and stress test.


This week (Tuesday evening) was the Orchestra and Band Winter Concert at Kristi's High School. The orchestra is small considering the size of the school. Kristi is one of 20 who are in Orchestra this year. The kids did a terrific job. For the first time, there were family in attendance besides me to see her. My cousin Lisa and her entire family were there. Lisa's hubby is a photographer - he went up to the balcony area and took pictures while Lisa videoed Kristi. Proud moments for ME :santasmiley:


Our deal Crystal has always been affected when there's a full moon. Well........so is the tiny terror (my new nickname for her) Lili. There's a full moon tomorrow night, 12-24, and Lili has been bonkers for the last few days. (More bonkers than usual). When she's a brat to the max and we want to kill her, she decides it's time to purr and be a love. Her prrrrrrrrr can be heard across the room. The Christmas tree is still standing though the Nativity receives the most terroristic activity. Nothing breakable is hanging on the lower branches. I have had ornaments brought to me as I sit here on the computer in the dining room :ChristmasTree: .


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I bet that was great for Kristi to have family at her concert :) I am soo happy your family is so supportive and active ....


The tiny terror is bringing you a present mom.... I used to get dead mice.(lol)


:santa: :santa: :reigndeer: :reigndeer: HO HO HO and Merry Christmas from our "clan" to your's

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Merry Christmas, Donna, Kristi, Crystal and Lili. I have had company since Friday and haven't been on line much. Daughter, Stephanie, and granddaughter, Ashley and granddog, Bailey, a chocolate lab, have been here. This is the first time for Bailey. She is a nice dog, but Fred isn;t impressed.


Glad Kristi is involved in school activities and happy she has family around to give her support, and you.


Have a warm, wonderful Christmas.


Vi :reigndeer: :santa:

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donna, sounds you are ready to enjoy the holiday with your family and critters. i bet kristi was so proud to have her family there at the concert and you were probably beaming ear to ear also. i know about the ornaments and cats. they are so proud when they swat them across the room to you. have a wonderful christmas dear lady with your family. take pictures for us. stay safe and well. i will be thinking of you and kristi.

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hi donna,

that is so cool about your family being at kristi's concert! it sounds as if the move back "home" has been really great. can't wait to hear about the results of the memory books. so, i wish you and kristi and the furry terrors a very merry christmas! :santasmiley: kathy

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