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Still in the Hospital...





I can't believe it's been six weeks since I've updated this blog. A lot has happened since then, the most significant event being that Don has had surgery and is still in the hospital. It was suppose to be an over night stay but he's on day five with no end date in sight. Maybe Thursday. I won't try to explain it all here but if anyone is interested you can find my December blog entries at Bloggers by clicking here.







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I'm just glad he is alright and the two of you are in my prayers and thoughts everyday. Hope things will clear up to the point you can tell what's what and when, in the meantime I sit by waiting to hear from you. Take care!

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I was so happy to see you blog, everybody here at strokenet was worried and was praying for Don's surgery. I am so happy everything went well and in no time he will he home with you again. I truely feel you both have touched so many lives and I am so thrilled to hear Don is doing better.




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Guest lwisman




It was good to hear Don's surgery was successful. Hope he is able to come home soon.


It is good you have Cooper to keep you company.


Here's hoping 2008 is a good year for you and Don.

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(((hugs))) and prayers to you, Don, and Cooper. Hope Don is home soon. Prayers were answered that the surgery went well. Prayers will be answered for his successful recovery.

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Hey Jean. You were always the first to tell me when I exhibited signs of caregiver guilt. I just read you full piece and I think you have some of it right now. It may seem strange but a stripped bare house was once a sign of mourning and I think that is what you are showing signs of right now.


To me you seem to be experiencing a sense of loss caused by the length of time it is taking for Don to recover after the operation. There is a big difference between the expected positive outcome and the present not-so-good state of his health and you are reacting to that. Have a think about what you are going through as a process in a minor grief cycle and see what you can do to go with what is happening here. People said to me each time we had a crisis: "go with the flow" and I always found it difficult, but I will offer that to you as advice anyway.


Thanks for posting what is a very honest blog. I think it helps us all to look at stark reality sometimes, rather than the rosy picture we often like to paint. The stark landscape of reality is a powerful place to help us sort out some of our priorities.


(((HUgs))) from Sue.

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glad to know the surgery went well. i hope that you and don will start the new year off together in your home. kathy

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Jean, Glad that Don is ok & you can relax now . Baz always likes to hear how Don is doing as they both have had a similar stroke & Aphasia.

Hope you BOTH had a great Christmas & A Happy New Year!! (as well as Cooper)

Love Anne & Baz

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hi Jean: So happy to hear Don is doing well and is home... Now you must take care of yourself and let the others do what they seem to think they have to in order to help Don recover.. Time will go fast enough and then you will be back to doing everything that you had formerly been capable of performing quite successfully.. You know in your heart that you have done an excellent job, so let go for a while and go with the flow...try and relax.. Don will be able to help you along the way and all will be back to the same old with you back at the stern, manning the ship as you go through the journeys of life..

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