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What will be will be and Happy New Year !

AZ Leah


My last blog entry was Dec 23 and I thought I had it SO together for Christmas Day dinner etc. I rested while Jerry picked up mother-in-law Dec 24; the house was clean and things were about as ready as they could be. We had a very nice dinner out that night and we all settled down for a "long winter's nap" while vision of sugarplums danced in our heads !!! Well Christmas Day didn't turn out as I predicted...I should know better to predict. I forgot that with my stroke I cannot multi-task and I get flustered and stressed with too many people around and too much noise. And..this was the first time I was supposed to be in charge. Of course, Jerry couldn't figure out what was the big deal, etc. etc. I had to end up taking 2 naps I was so fatigued (the stroke kind of fatigue, not the kind "normal" people have). My brother, and his family came about 3:45 and we ate at 4:30. Jerry had finished my green bean casserole for me after I wrote out instructions; I did it in the crock-pot and it worked great. Anyhoo, Dinner was very good and we all pigged out on dessert. There were only 7 of us but for me this year it was hard. I've had holiday dinners before for 12 or more with no trouble. My mother-in-law (remember..age 95!) helped put out relishes and set the table and my niece and her cousin did all clean up. I had to take a short nap after dinner, then got up so we could finish our family celebration. After all, it's not all about me and if I would have had to stay in bed, so be it. In retrospect, I may have done too much. I crashed yesterday and slept til noon. Today I had pool therapy, tomorrow work with a trainer and Sat. get a manicure and hair done to get ready for NY Eve dinner with friends. I will continue to take it a day at a time and next year will take care of itself, as long as I do the footwork. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL :happy new yea: and the best of health to everyone. I have learned that is the most important thing after God because I must always remember that without Him, I would not be an earthly being. :cloud9: Leah


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You did what you could do dear and that's what's important. Glad you had "helpers" and they were understanding. You just proved that life does go on after stroke - just differently.

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Glad you had a nice Christmas. My experience has been that things rarely turn out the way I plan them. I really like your "just do the foot-work" attitude. It's something I'm trying to apply in my own life.


Enjoy the New Year!



:happy new yea:

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I am gad you had nice chritmas dinner, don't fret over it could have been better, you did best with ur limited capabilities that in itself is pretty commendable job.pat your back and don't be hard on yourself. Happy New year to you too, things are going to become better in coming years.




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leah, bless your heart for doing what you could. i think you did just fine, just differently than you used to. thats why we have family at these gatherings to help us out. keep up the pool therapy and working with your trainer and you will get stronger. the naps are a good thing. i wish you a happier and healthier new year. it will get better especially as hard as you are working at it.

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glad to hear you had a good christmas. you did everthing you could and then you let it go - and things that needed to get done got done! yeah for you! have a terriffic new year - cheers! kathy :happy new yea:

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