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I am thankful for.....



I have been reading with interest the 100 things lists some are doing, and have decided to do one with a bit different focus. Looking back on my first "survivor" year, the negatives are obvious and don't need repeating here. I have decided to start the new year concentrating on the things I am thankful for, so here goes. I am not going to set any particular number to it, we'll just see where it goes. Rather than retyping "I am thankful for" each entry, I will use " as ditto marks, please be sure to read it as such. Thanks for reading!


I am thankful for my Lord and God and how he helps me everyday


" the fresh, crisp, Northern Minnesota air I breath everyday


" having a wife that makes sure I have a good meal in the refrig to eat while she is sleeping after a night shift


" having had two good marriages in this life


" having had 28 great years with my late wife


" having had 6 years with Lesley so far, looking forward to many more


" the snow that is gently falling as I write this


" having a new ATV to plow aforementioned snow


" mosquito nets and repellant


" two great dogs and companions


" a great family in New Zealand, mum, son, two lovely grand daughters


" the ability to usually put back together what I take apart just to see how it works


" 4 wheel drive vehicles


" 62 trips around the sun


" homemade bread anytime I want it


" a brain. The stroke proved I have one, abeit a bit less than I had


" Saeboflex


" Active Release therapy


" Dr Shane McCormick in Thunder Bay, Canada


" this forum to express myself


" the ability to do so


" friends that showed up unexpectedly before Christmas with pizza and a real Christmas tree for us


" the same friends that then proceeded to decorate said tree


" the local Dr that lives nearby and unexpectedly showed up Christmas Eve night with his John Deere tractor and cleared our driveway of fresh fallen snow


" sudoku


" football


" netflix movies


" airplanes


" the opportunity to serve my country for 20 years in war and peace


" the miracle of three babies born in the past three months on our short road here in the country. Only 8 families live on this road. Must be the well water


" growing up in the country as a boy with my springer spaniel companion helping deliver the newspapers


" going to a small country school without all the programs and "advantages" of a big city school


" my next cup of coffee


" my life getting better as I make it simpler


" telephones


" I can still carry my canoe


" I can still fish alone


" there will probably not be anyone else in sight on the lake


" the lakes are frozen and I will be ice fishing soon


" there are fish in the lakes foolish enough to bite on my feeble lure presentations


" I have a wife that likes to fish, still working on the football


" there are less than 5,000 people living in our county, which is the size of the state of Rhode Island


" we are too remote for more people to come here to live


" we have one stoplite in the entire county


" the days are getting longer


" I can watch the Northern Lights


" I graduated from high school


" the teachers were kind


" I have been in 30 countries


" I have been in 49 states


" I am living exactly where I want to be


" I have everything I need, almost everything I want (still want a snowmobile)


" a wife that has stuck by me thru thick and thin


" a three month old baby boy to babysit for our neighbor


" if I play my cards right, he will be able to carry my canoe for me when I no longer can do it myself


" on the 5 mile trip to town I am more likely to see wildlife than another car


" snow sticks to pine trees


" I know a God that loves me


" I sleep well at night


" our dog "Tippy" has grown from a tiny puppy to a 40lb companion in just 10 months


" Dickons for naming our dog "Tippy"


" that Tippy is housebroken


" I see miracles around me everyday


" our freezer and cubbords are full


" I am still eating the Christmas ham


" there was a Christmas ham to eat


" the sun will rise in the East tomorrow morning and I have good reason to believe I will be able to watch it


" the bills are paid


" I wouldn't trade my life experiences for anything on this earth


" I have to opportunity to hopefully give some others a bit of joy and something to think about reading this




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Thank you for sharing with us the things you are thankful for. Yep.....you're so right.......stroke proves there was a brain in our noggins that could be affected.


Wow, Tippy is 40 pounds already. Just seems like yesterday you posted puppy pictures of her.

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Thanks for sharing.. sitting here with a big :lol::lol: and thinking of the smell of warm bread in the snow.


Happy 2008 from our house to yours!

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